Save Western Civilization > Save America

True Moment

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i found some information about the "black hebrews" that can help answer your questions:

i thought the fox network (we have them also in Israel) isnt pro-arab, and shows the Israeli point of view with simpahy, isnt it so?


--- Quote from: fjack on September 12, 2006, 07:57:04 AM ---Dear Nevermore, please don't take what I say as personal. All I am pointing out is that your idea of what these people 'went through' is a liberal idea that is used to make us white people feel guilty...
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Ya... calling NeverMore liberal is like calling a muslim sane. He's not liberal, man. I think you are misunderstanding something he said.


--- Quote from: jeffguy on September 12, 2006, 10:51:06 AM ---
--- Quote from: fjack on September 12, 2006, 07:57:04 AM ---Dear Nevermore, please don't take what I say as personal. All I am pointing out is that your idea of what these people 'went through' is a liberal idea that is used to make us white people feel guilty...
--- End quote ---

Ya... calling NeverMore liberal is like calling a muslim sane. He's not liberal, man. I think you are misunderstanding something he said.

--- End quote ---

thanks, Jeff!  :)

Dear Nevermore,
I am not Jewish but I am a strong supporter of Israel and my Jewish brothers and sisters. I was raised as a catholic but I have left that religion a long, long time ago. I consider all christians to be ultra liberals. Some so callled christians and Jews are finally waking up and are seeing the light. As far as the white nazis and the kkk they can all go to africa where they can fight it out with the blacks and LEAVE US ALONE. I have no use for these idiots, I have no use for the government of the USA, I have no use for the current government of Israel, I have no use for the press, I have no use of islam and I hane no  use of self haters whatever their beliefts are. I do love and respect the great Rabbi Meier Kahane.

Dear Nevermore,
I have been pushed so far to the right that I consider Ronald Regan a left wing pinko closet commiie. Mr. Regan was the President that said it was ok to have a martin lucifer king national holiday. As far as I am concerned the USA is becoming a third world slum. Whites and Jews are being set upon by a rise of blacks and hispanics that are given preference to jobs and education due to government imposed quotas. Does that sound familiar? That sounds like nazi garbage to me. I can see where Israel one day will have a majority of arabs in power which will pass laws saying that arabs first - Jews last. Please don't let this happen.


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