Save Western Civilization > Save America

True Moment

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--- Quote from: Scriabin on September 14, 2006, 12:35:12 PM ---
--- Quote from: jeffguy on September 14, 2006, 12:31:19 PM ---
--- Quote from: Scriabin on September 14, 2006, 10:31:43 AM ---This sounds like what I am looking for...I wonder what Chaim has to say about gentiles becoming Noahides.
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When Chaim says "righteous gentile", he's talking about a non-Jewish person who follows the Noahide laws. He has said that on several occasions.

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I've never heard him say that.

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I can't recall ever hearing Chaim talk about Noahide Laws until someone asked him about it in the Sunday questions.

You can see the "intelligence" from these mutants.  I mean look how we dumbed down our schools so these "advanced" people can get ahead and even with the dumbing down of our public schools they are still morons.

Johnson Brown:
Bottom line the monkeys don't work all year long so they don't need a holiday off from work the white people do so the MLK holiday is not for the monkeys it's for the white people who have to do the monkeys jobs all year long, so sit back and enjoy the holiday off.


--- Quote from: Johnson Brown on September 16, 2006, 10:30:14 PM ---Bottom line the monkeys don't work all year long so they don't need a holiday off from work the white people do so the MLK holiday is not for the monkeys it's for the white people who have to do the monkeys jobs all year long, so sit back and enjoy the holiday off.

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I would rather not have the monkeys day off I would like to see it revert back to when Washington & Lincolns birthdays were two separate leagal holidays. They installed this presidents day garbage combining the two holidays in a generic form meanwhile giving an animal like MLK his own day. If this doesn't tell you where we are headed in America nothing will. I am proud to say my place of employment celebrates every legal holiday their is EXCEPT that farce of MLK day.

Blacks will come up with anything to have a day off of doing  nothing.  Million monkey march is an example.


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