Save Western Civilization > Save America

True Moment

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--- Quote from: fjack on September 04, 2006, 05:41:02 PM ---I have seen 'black homeless' victims caked with their own poop. They relieve themselves on the subway platforms, in doorways, in school hallways and wherever they feel like. I have studied their habits and have come to the conclusion that they have not evolved into true homo sapien sapiens. The reason for their relieving themselves is that the animal instinct in them makes them 'leave their scent' such as a dog, cat and the lower primates. This is a strong instinct in animals. This is the way they mark their territory, attract the female of the species (and vice versa) and by doing this, it makes them feel safe when they smell themselves and gives them the senxe that they are 'at home'. This is probably why these savages spray paint everything they can. It is a way that the reconize their territory and it says to others STAY OUT!

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fjack I think your on to something here I have watched this form of beast relieve themselves virtually at the restroom door. What always amazed me  is why they piss in the halls of their own apartment building. They are marking their territory thats it. Honestly this has to be some form of subspecies to a human. For years I always laugh when science goes on about the missing link. Its not missing its alive and well. They just refuse to see it..

What is it? The concept of using a bathroom is unhead of to these mutants? Do they really miss living in the Congo that much that they act like if they are in the Congo taking a crap anywhere they want? If they are so comfortable of acting like if they in the Congo then no one is stopping them to go back.


--- Quote from: MasterWolf1 on September 07, 2006, 10:48:32 PM ---What is it? The concept of using a bathroom is unhead of to these mutants?
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They can't afford toilet paper... it's what makes the conversion to Islam so easy.

They can always use their dorags that they were on their heads.  After all under it is crap wrapped in a skull.


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on September 10, 2006, 07:44:26 PM ---Today at a bus station, there were all these dirty homeless bums sleeping on the benches that people are supposed to sit on when they wait for the bus. They were so ugly. There was one fat schvartza woman lying with her fat black stomach exposed. They were all schvartzas except one was an Asian Indian. The one open bench that I sat on smelled like the urine from these beasts (Bafroom, what you need a bafroom for?) so I moved away many benches down. And also, sometimes the seats on the bus have dirty stuff on them. Probably these beasts get food on them.

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well, im not from US as you know, Yacov, and here in Israel you dont encounter so much of it as you see there. but still, i can understand these people. they have lost all hope, any will to live. they dont care about what happens to them, what you or others think of them, thats my impression. dont you have mercy for these poor people? do you ever give them money if they ask? you called them beasts, and i think you are being cruel to them not regarding what they underwent in their lives... please correct me if im wrong, because im so much against blind hatred.


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