The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
New Muslim congressman avoids loyalty questions
The screams of ALLAH for this.. We are really sick as a country for allowing this to take place
This should never happen again. On fox news there was an interview with bo didel and some arab and bo didel was asking him if he wanted to take a cab and he had a cross on would he take him? or if he had a ham sandwhich would he take him? The filthy animal muslim did not answer once he just kept ranting and ranting so Neil Cavuto turned off his mic. This country does not run on muslim laws, these pigs have no place in congress.
This is really an outrage!! In a regional election I can see an animal like this gaining election however I strongly doubt that it was the Muslim vote that got him into power. Are the electorate in America become so simple minded that they will vote for people who are not only against the political belief they hold but the moral ones as well. I was listening to a radio show some time back I don't recall the host but the subject was that Muslims want the banking system to go by the "Sharia" law when they do business with a bank and some of the imbecilic banks are considering it. Its not a wonder that Osama Brama has presidential aspirations. He see's how nuts Americans are. What exactly is wrong with the thought process here!! Is it something in the water because I just don't understand.
It is guilt ridden self hating whites that vote for animals such as this thing called ellison. A 'former' black muslin, who says he 'does not have hate in his heart' smiled and tap danced his way into the hearts of the stupid white in minn. Do you really think that 'lefted' the black muslin party. I am sure that he and farafart realized that by being a member would make some whites 'uneasy' to vote for him. The solution was to say 'I am no longer a black muslim, I am a muslim of the world, a moderate muslim'. Those ignorant white pieces of trash did not read the koran, so they do not know that 'muslims are not obligated to telling the truth to infidels'. Let these filthy animals hang themselves. I have, for one, no use for white self haters and traitors. All I know is that no matter how much they say 'I'm sorry for voting for ellison', I bet when push comes to shove they will vote again for another darkie muzzie. Death to islam and poop on the filthy prophet with all his followers.
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