General Category > Introduce Yourself
Don't know how much I will post going forward.
--- Quote from: jsullivan on January 12, 2007, 07:38:25 AM ---Adam and Scriabin, not everyone here is going to agree with each other on every issue. This is not a cult. We have independently minded people here with all types of opinions. I can see that you criticize Chaim sometimes, and we have no problem with that.
And no, we don't care about statistics of how many people are posting. Why would that be important to us? We want people to take ACTION to make this a better world. That's our goal. Posting is only to educate, to inform, to persuade, and to make the forum interesting so that we attract more people to our movement so that we can be more effective in taking ACTION to change things.
On this forum, I think we give you a fair chance to air your views and even to criticize. Here you have a chance to persuade others. But that doesn't guarantee that everyone is going to agree on every issue. I wouldn't want to be part of a movement where everyone agrees on every issue.
We should ask ourselves this question: would this be a better world if JTF Jews were running Israel and if JTF Gentiles were running America? Is it desirable for JTF to become stronger and more influential?
If there's another movement out there that is better, then join it by all means. JTF is the movement that speaks for me. Not 100% of the time, but 90% of the time. And when I disagree that other 10% of the time, at least I know that here I will be given the opportunity to voice my opinions and even to address Chaim directly on his broadcasts every week with my views.
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Of course we do not expect everyone to agree on everything. That would be absurd. However, are we not entitled to express our opinions as we see them?
I do support JTF. Ask Chaim. I'd bet that I've given more money to JTF than 95% of the people on this forum...and I'm POOR.
Chaim is #1. He's brave, noble, honest, sacrificing, righteous and even saintly...but he's not infallible.
I believe that women call the shots in times of peace as do men in the times of war. We've had unprecedented prosperity in the West since the end of WWII. Men have become lazy and women overconfident. A wealthy, satiated society eventually thinks that it can afford 'luxuries' like affirmative action, abortion, female 'soldiers', 'guest workers', and so on. We cannot.
Men make objective decisions. "Kill the Enemy."
Women are subjective. "But what about the innocent civilians. Maybe our enemies just had bad upbringings, I'm sure we can pacify them. Why don't we try diplomacy."
Perhaps I make no sense.
You are making sense but I think you are not taking into consideration as to "Why" it has become this way? It really is not a male/female issue it is a socio-political issue brought on by G-dless Leftist thought/deeds. You are right.... there is an entire agenda working today. This is why White males, largely are pushed to the back of the line and not necessarily lazy but just tired, pissed off and voiceless... If ever they do show a man today, 90% of the time it is a Lenardo DeCaprio or a homosexual. I tried to explain above about political/social "Feminism" and am open to conversation and also debate..... just trying to help...
Scriabin, thanks for coming back your a great poster ;D, I know this is OT
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on January 12, 2007, 04:59:08 PM ---Scriabin, thanks for coming back your a great poster ;D, I know this is OT
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Thanks Kahaneloyalist, and thanks for all the wonderful videos of Rabbi Kahane. :)
Yacov wrote:
>I don't think most women are bad
Here we go again, Yacov. What bothers me Yacov is you seem to think most MEN are bad and that disturbs me. You have written posts saying that certain sins were only committed by men when this just isn't true and is pretty obvious.You don't seem to be bothered by just posted something and then when I ask you to defend your point of view you refuse to do this and tell me to ask Chaim. I would prefer leaving more difficult questions for Chaim rather then using my question to deal with my disagreements with you when you don't even want to defend your point of view because I see you do that on other sites. But if you want me to discuss our disagreements on ask JTF fine. I don't think it makes you look very good but if that is what you want fine.
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