The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Really cool video


Hail Columbia:

There's also an ignoramus poster who thinks that criticism of Islam is bigotry.

Too cool! that was just awesome!

Shame about the dhimmis...

But I don't trust my ability to debate with them these days so I'll leave it to you Hail Columbia, you appear to be doing well.

Hail Columbia:
I can't cover every flank, and I need someone who can help me put the dhimmi out of commission.

These peoples are so infected with Communist propaganda they are believe in "Peace" with murderers and are the first advocates FOR War when it is agaisnt the evil Satan and little Satan.  These people are a tragic lost cause that should be airlifted to Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia or Communist China...   Where is Pinnochet when you need him? ;)


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