The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Whats the difference between a Shiite and a Sunni?


Two extra stick of dynamite on the Sunni.

Or is it that Sunnis have a more sunny outlook on life while shiites..well.. have a shi-- outlook.

From what I have read the SHia do not belive in active Jihad except in their own direct defence untill a great leader they are waiting for comes, whereas the sunnis believe that they are meant to be commiting Jihad with everything they have right now.

Of course the sunnis want to kill the shias and vce versa too.

The only difference of importance is the spelling of their names. For all practical purposes they hate us, they want to destroy Israel and the United States. They are both a low IQ race of sub humans and the best thing we can do is to keep them in their stone age civilzation till their species self destructs. I hope that when the US retreats, there will be a massive civil war and millions and millions of them die.

They aren't races, they are people who follow a set of beliefs, don't confuse religion and race.

Hail Columbia:

--- Quote from: fjack on January 08, 2007, 07:57:21 AM ---I hope that when the US retreats, there will be a massive civil war and millions and millions of them die.
--- End quote ---

It wouldn't be the first time.  During the Iran-Iraq war, the US sold arms to both sides.  Two million dead camel molesters, and ten years later, the war ended in a status quo ante bellum.  Mission accomplished!


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