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Ask JTF For February 4 Broadcast

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Dear Chaim,
  Do you believe in bad bad things happen to evil people in their lifetimes and is this supported in scripture?

Hello Chaim,
I have been listening to you for some time and enjoy your shows and agree with much you say. I have also as a result of your show become aquainted with the teachings of the great Rabbi Meir Kahane. My question is, I agree that African Americans are a difficult people, to put it mildly, I agree that most of them are best avoided all together, to put it mildly, BUT their are some good ones and don't you think that when you veer off the concrete points and facts into racism you are weakening your message? I have never heard Rabbi Kahane, in the numerous audio and video tapes I have seen/heard do this. I am desirous to be very supportive of this movement, but reluctant to be directly associated with it for ONLY this reason. I am not passing judgment here, I can't imagine what 5 years in prison, presumebly surrounded by the most beastly of the dark savages must have been like and would probably be prone to such outbursts myself if I were in that situation, no doubt. Nonetheless, I think you should very seriously consider how toning down that element of your on air persona could really help this movement. I admire you a great deal, I hope one day I might have the privlidge to meet and speak with you. Please consider what I am saying. Your friend, Allen-T.       

Do you enjoy listening to any specific artist in rock music? And did you know that Elvis Presley's mother was Jewish?...All mothers in Elvis Presley's birth line run uninterrupted from the Jewish grandmother, Martha Tacket and he gave to Jewish charities in Memphis.

   Have you seen my Israel video yet? What about my "What happens when THEY become the majority" video? Please let me know if you have any feedback. The second video I feel is ready for your approval if you choose to give it to me. The Israel one is a powerful one which I want to do correctly, so I'm requesting feedback before I complete it. Please let me know if there are any members in addition to the admin that I should share the private videos with before releasing them to the public?

Until Shiloh Comes:
Hello Chaim, and good day to you.    I pray this message reaches you in good heath.

I recently came across a classic episode of JTF featuring you and Reuven Ben Avraham discussing the dangerous implications of the Federal Reserve on the US economy and freedom.  The week prior to that I recall you two discussing the tragic Terri Schiavo case.   Would it be possible to give us a little background on him?  How did you meet him? Avraham was tremendous, and very intelligent and you should invite him to do another show in the near future if possible.


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