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Iranian saying hello :P

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--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 29, 2008, 11:50:22 PM ---
Regime of mine? lmao?  ;D and bahais are jews? right?
No, just another group of non-muslims.
it's funny i never said i was an I.R supporter nor was my family. Oh wait your jew and can say anything you want right? huh?
I'm not a Jew.
And i bet if show a picture of a israeli savagely beating up a pale.stin..ian i would get banned? O0
  There are no "Paalestinians"
It's funny how you take a quote that has nothing to do with that, i mean i dont care about  islam...
Guess you don't care since you don't live in Iran with tour attitude.
Yeah infidel, i guess am also infidel, uncut dick and born atheist.  8;)
Can you tell us something about Iran before the revolution of '79.
Nice "come back". :::D

--- End quote ---

No funny or sarcastic crap, or i'm not going to waste my time with you. It's not my fault they are write nazi w.e for pa le st in ia n.

Don't post BS that has nothing to do with the thread. I said Christians, Muslims, Zoroastrians, jews all have rights, i never said bahias do, nor did i say i was against them.

What you want me to tell before 1979? 1970-1979 iran was undergoing "revolution" and the king was basically in "exile"...

"Guess you don't care since you don't live in Iran with tour attitude."

What the hell does that mean? I went to iran with 3 german friends, and they were all shocked that most people didn't follow islamic laws... Almost everyone we met drank, smoke, ate "harem" food, scarves were falling off, prostitues are now 3x in iran because of this I.R crap and the gay population of iran for some reason is increasing. Probably islam forbids straight sex? :P

<<Don't post BS that has nothing to do with the thread. I said Christians, Muslims, Zoroastrians, jews all have rights, i never said bahias do, nor did i say i was against them.>>

They do not have equal rights.

--- Quote ---Christian Minister Hamid Pourmand with his family.

A Christian pastor is scheduled to go before the Iranian Court in the next few days for further review of his three year sentence:

The lay pastor, 47-year-old Hamid Pourmand, is to go before a Sharia court next week on charges of apostasy from Islam and proselytizing Muslims. The former charge is punishable by death.

Iranian Christian Hamid Pourmand must appear before the Islamic (sharia) court of Iran within nine days. An exact court date has not been released. Arrested September 2004 when security police raided a church conference he was attending, the Assemblies of God lay pastor will be brought up before the Islamic court between April 11 and 14 to face charges of apostasy from Islam and proselytizing Muslims to the Christian belief. Both "crimes" are punishable by death.

Pourmand, now 47, converted from Islam to Christianity nearly 25 years ago. He spent several months in solitary confinement after his arrest last September 9 2004, the only one of more than 80 church leaders arrested at the conference who was not released.

One of Iran's leading Protestant pastors was executed in December 1990 after a sharia court condemned him. Hussein Soodman, also an Assemblies of God pastor and a Muslim convert to Christianity, had been involved in Christian ministry for 24 years. He was reportedly hanged on December 3, 1990, as part of what was believed then to be a new wave of repression directed against the small Christian community in this Islamic Republic.

Pourmand, an army colonel at the time of his arrest, was found guilty by a military court on February 16 of .deceiving. the Iranian armed forces about his faith, despite evidence he produced to the contrary. According to the judge of the military court, his recent three-year sentence was given because Pourmand withheld from his superiors the information that he was a Christian. The Islamic regime in Iran has made it illegal for a non-Muslim citizen to serve as a military officer, since that puts him in a position of authority over Muslim soldiers.
--- End quote ---

it's funny i never said i was an I.R supporter nor was my family. Oh wait your jew and can say anything you want right? huh? >>

<<Don't post BS that has nothing to do with the thread. I said Christians, Muslims, Zoroastrians, jews all have rights, i never said bahias do, nor did i say i was against them.>>

I see you like writing 'jew' instead of 'Jew'. Why?


--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 30, 2008, 12:25:41 AM ---<<Don't post BS that has nothing to do with the thread. I said Christians, Muslims, Zoroastrians, jews all have rights, i never said bahias do, nor did i say i was against them.>>

They do not have equal rights.

--- Quote ---Christian Minister Hamid Pourmand with his family.

A Christian pastor is scheduled to go before the Iranian Court in the next few days for further review of his three year sentence:

The lay pastor, 47-year-old Hamid Pourmand, is to go before a Sharia court next week on charges of apostasy from Islam and proselytizing Muslims. The former charge is punishable by death.

Iranian Christian Hamid Pourmand must appear before the Islamic (sharia) court of Iran within nine days. An exact court date has not been released. Arrested September 2004 when security police raided a church conference he was attending, the Assemblies of G-d lay pastor will be brought up before the Islamic court between April 11 and 14 to face charges of apostasy from Islam and proselytizing Muslims to the Christian belief. Both "crimes" are punishable by death.

Pourmand, now 47, converted from Islam to Christianity nearly 25 years ago. He spent several months in solitary confinement after his arrest last September 9 2004, the only one of more than 80 church leaders arrested at the conference who was not released.

One of Iran's leading Protestant pastors was executed in December 1990 after a sharia court condemned him. Hussein Soodman, also an Assemblies of G-d pastor and a Muslim convert to Christianity, had been involved in Christian ministry for 24 years. He was reportedly hanged on December 3, 1990, as part of what was believed then to be a new wave of repression directed against the small Christian community in this Islamic Republic.

Pourmand, an army colonel at the time of his arrest, was found guilty by a military court on February 16 of .deceiving. the Iranian armed forces about his faith, despite evidence he produced to the contrary. According to the judge of the military court, his recent three-year sentence was given because Pourmand withheld from his superiors the information that he was a Christian. The Islamic regime in Iran has made it illegal for a non-Muslim citizen to serve as a military officer, since that puts him in a position of authority over Muslim soldiers.
--- End quote ---

--- End quote ---
2 christians, and i know 300?  ::) Armenians are 1/3 of esphahan and 99 percent of them are Christians and live fine.

The man you posted was a "convert" and "lied", you're not allowed to convert to any religion, but most likely you get a warning. This man probably has done more, probably something against I.R.

One thing what are you trying to prove? That I.R is bad?
I already know it's bad...
I already know the rights are bad,
i already,
i already know.

The thing is you don't know is that iran is being shown as something even "worse" than it actual is.

I'm not anti-jew, im not anti-american, the only thing i want is iran freed from islam, and religion shouldn't be part of politics.


--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 30, 2008, 12:37:30 AM ---<<
it's funny i never said i was an I.R supporter nor was my family. Oh wait your jew and can say anything you want right? huh? >>

<<Don't post BS that has nothing to do with the thread. I said Christians, Muslims, Zoroastrians, jews all have rights, i never said bahias do, nor did i say i was against them.>>

I see you like writing 'jew' instead of 'Jew'. Why?

--- End quote ---

what? jew or Jew? why the hell does it matter?
Alright ill call them yehudis, since that is what i mostly call them.


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