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Iranian saying hello :P

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--- Quote from: Golden Pheasant on April 30, 2008, 08:00:27 PM ---I think I understand the Jewish concept of slavery. Basically it is debt bondage.  :)


Perhaps Iran without Islam has the potential to be a great high culture again. :)

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Yes, very true. I don't know if you believe but i know most iranians are not "muslims" and only say it to have "rights"... Like i said everyone that i met in iran and family members broke atleast 4 laws/sins and do not pray at all.
It doesn't even make sense also, so many iranians celebrate many "pagan" celebrations, isn't that against islam?
In the 1950s there were so many alcohol productions, so how do iranian people go islamic crazy in 20 years?
 I.R is BS, it is ran by these monkeys, Khomeini who started and the guy on the right who is irans real "dictator"; "Ali Khamenei" and their the ones causing the genocide of iranian culture:

But please don't say it's the people. I.R has nothing to do with the people. My father went to political jail for 1 month when he was 16 for creating posters against islam and its unfairness, was also beaten.

And if a party you search for iranian nationalist and says anti-semitic, it doesn't mean jews... It means arabs, arab "culture", and islam.

I did not know that about Zoastar or that under Cyrus.  Can you recommend any good books on The History of Persia?  I've read much on the early Babylonian Code King Hammurabi 1760 B.C.E. and a bit on the earlier collections of laws including the codex of Ur-Nammu, king of Ur (ca. 2050 B.C.E.), the Codex of Eshnunna (ca. 1930 B.C.E.) and the codex of Lipit-Ishtar of Isin (ca. 1870 B.C.E.) while in Law School and under some personal research.  Much of base logic is also found in the Talmudic and Torah Teachings albeit expounded upon and basically free of all earlier pagan teachings/ideological specificities.

I believe that all of the "Liberalities" within the Iran you speak of with respect to alchohol and "freedom" was under the Shah no?

Again one learns new things each day....


--- Quote from: MarZutra on April 30, 2008, 08:37:17 PM ---I did not know that about Zoastar or that under Cyrus.  Can you recommend any good books on The History of Persia?  I've read much on the early Babylonian Code King Hammurabi 1760 B.C.E. and a bit on the earlier collections of laws including the codex of Ur-Nammu, king of Ur (ca. 2050 B.C.E.), the Codex of Eshnunna (ca. 1930 B.C.E.) and the codex of Lipit-Ishtar of Isin (ca. 1870 B.C.E.) while in Law School and under some personal research.  Much of base logic is also found in the Talmudic and Torah Teachings albeit expounded upon and basically free of all earlier pagan teachings/ideological specificities.

I believe that all of the "Liberalities" within the Iran you speak of with respect to alchohol and "freedom" was under the Shah no?

Again one learns new things each day....

--- End quote ---

History of persia books are hard to get, i haven't found anything "incredible". Most of the time it just talks about the greco-persian wars, and the spread of islam... And a bit about the monotheistic religion of iran.

I say the net is the best; wikipedia.

Just watch out for pan-turks that call almost everything turk... They are retarded, and have a IQ of -10. Also the oslonor blog is just BS, ignore it.

BTW: I, myself are looking for books with good info also...

Yes shah... But some reason shah was a "nazi" towards iranian and a "westernizer", and killing persian roots lmao. I.Rs say such lies. It's funny how ee modernized so many things from cities, cultures, making islam minorty, then retard diaper head comes along...

I.Rs also state that he commit "genocide"... Funny how he killed people who were islamists (yay), marxists (yay). Whereas Khomeini who has killed around 30 000 pro-iranians! Pfft he commit the real genocide towards iranians.

There is a movie, if it ever comes out... called "In Search of Cyrus The Great". It looks pretty good, but for some reason it is taking forever for it to come out...

Ok.  I will search something on Amazon.  The situation of the Shah is very interesting to tell you the truth.  I've read much on that subject and his downfall, largely due to the CFR, Jimmy Carter Administration and the good ol-State Department. 

If you should desire any good readings on various subjects I'll be glad to suggest and I'm sure MassuhD will put forward his knowledge in suggestions as well... 

I will keep my eye out for that film... :)

Do you think, that it is possible to overthrow the current dictators in Iran?


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