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Iranian saying hello :P

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--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 30, 2008, 09:11:52 PM ---Do you think, that it is possible to overthrow the current dictators in Iran?

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Yes, but not at this very moment, sadly.


--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 30, 2008, 09:18:50 PM ---
--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 30, 2008, 09:11:52 PM ---Do you think, that it is possible to overthrow the current dictators in Iran?

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Yes, but not at this very moment, sadly.

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Well, it is positive, that you informed us about the religious situation. How would the Irani People react if the USA or Israel would declare war?


--- Quote from: MarZutra on April 30, 2008, 09:09:12 PM ---Ok.  I will search something on Amazon.  The situation of the Shah is very interesting to tell you the truth.  I've read much on that subject and his downfall, largely due to the CFR, Jimmy Carter Administration and the good ol-State Department. 

If you should desire any good readings on various subjects I'll be glad to suggest and I'm sure MassuhD will put forward his knowledge in suggestions as well... 

I will keep my eye out for that film... :)

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Thanks, i have more questions/desires in good readings , but i'll ask them later.


--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 30, 2008, 09:21:20 PM ---
--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 30, 2008, 09:18:50 PM ---
--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 30, 2008, 09:11:52 PM ---Do you think, that it is possible to overthrow the current dictators in Iran?

--- End quote ---

Yes, but not at this very moment, sadly.

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Well, it is positive, that you informed us about the religious situation. How would the Irani People react if the USA or Israel would declare war?

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I'm positive...

I really don't want to go to war, because for sure this will be WW3. Israel/America declares war on iran, russia declares war on U.S, Turkey declares war on Iran, Armenia will probably go on iran's side and declare war on turkey, Korea will declare war, and then it will just be end of the world...

Second iranian people for sure will go anti-jew, anti-american and fall back to the start of I.R...

But i don't think war will be declared, since america has lost 1.5 trillion dollars, too many people are against Israel and the "axis" side has way more "power"...

I hope no offense, but if Iran, Syria or any other of their dozens of Islamic states (or Communist nations for that matter) were to truly be a threat to Israel I'd hope to awake to a toxic a thousand years to be re-named "Lake Persia"...  

Funny, Israel has never threatened or made war on anyone but it is the only one that is daily made war on both militarily and via media manipulations....


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