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Iranian saying hello :P

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--- Quote from: MarZutra on April 30, 2008, 09:34:20 PM ---I hope no offense, but if Iran, Syria or any other of their dozens of Islamic states (or Communist nations for that matter) were to truly be a threat to Israel I'd hope to awake to a toxic a thousand years to be re-named "Lake Persia"... 

Funny, Israel has never threatened or made war on anyone but it is the only one that is daily made war on both militarily and via media manipulations....

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lol. Lake persia would be pretty big.  :D

Anyways how about israeli/palestinia.n violence? And the U.S/israeli alliance talking about declaring war??

Ok.  I firmly believe in factual correctness and not "political correctness" which was coined in 1929 by Joseph Stalin.  That said, I do not believe in revisionist history.  There are no "Pal-estinians": Christian, Jew or Muslim.  Those claiming, or fraudulantly labled thus are Arabs. 

The term itself is fraudulant and anti-semitic at base from its historical connections to Roman occupation, genocide and expulsion of the Jews.  "P-lestine" finds its base in Hebrew for "Philistine" which means "Invader". 

"P-lestine" was neither in this Earth's long history an independantly functioning entity, state, country nor nation thus confirming this revisionist fraud.  Jews were in Babylon, Cairo, Damascus and Tehran hundreds or even a thousand years before Islam was even created. 

"P-lestinians" are never mentioned in any historical text nor cultural writing stemming from antiquity to 1964.  If one uses the turm "P-lestinians" there must not be Jews as Judea is the exact same geographical plot as "P-lestine".  If one uses "Pale-stine" one might as well wipe Jerusalem as well out of the history books and bring back the Hadrianic lable "Ael Capitalona".

Moses, David, Jesus, Josephus, Philo, the Persian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite or Greek Kings never knew any "P-lestinian People".  None are mentioned within the Bible nor the New Testament.  Hell, Mohammad didn't know or write of any...nor did he write of Jerusalem nor any other town in "P-lestine".  P-lestine was simply a nominal province under the Roman empire's occupation which attempted to "Erase the memory" of the Jews from History as a result of the Jewish Revolt as dictated by Josephus....

These Arabs flooded into "P-lestine" in between 1880 and 1930 during the Jewish "nation" building era for a job or to rape the Jew of its welfare system....  similarly how they are flooding into Europe and America today. 

PS: Israel could end this shame of a "conflict" in about a week by finishing the Arab initiated population transfer back to any of their 22 Arab nations or their dozens of Islamic States which compose about 1/4 of the entire Earth's surface... 


--- Quote from: MarZutra on April 30, 2008, 10:07:10 PM ---Ok.  I firmly believe in factual correctness and not "political correctness" which was coined in 1929 by Joseph Stalin.  That said, I do not believe in revisionist history.  There are no "Pal-estinians": Christian, Jew or Muslim.  Those claiming, or fraudulantly labled thus are Arabs. 

The term itself is fraudulant and anti-semitic at base from its historical connections to Roman occupation, genocide and expulsion of the Jews.  "P-lestine" finds its base in Hebrew for "Philistine" which means "Invader". 

"P-lestine" was neither in this Earth's long history an independantly functioning entity, state, country nor nation thus confirming this revisionist fraud.  Jews were in Babylon, Cairo, Damascus and Tehran hundreds or even a thousand years before Islam was even created. 

"P-lestinians" are never mentioned in any historical text nor cultural writing stemming from antiquity to 1964.  If one uses the turm "P-lestinians" there must not be Jews as Judea is the exact same geographical plot as "P-lestine".  If one uses "Pale-stine" one might as well wipe Jerusalem as well out of the history books and bring back the Hadrianic lable "Ael Capitalona".

Moses, David, Jesus, Josephus, Philo, the Persian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite or Greek Kings ever knew any "P-lestinian People".  None are mentioned within the Bible nor the New Testament.  Hell, Mohammad didn't know or write of any...nor did he write of Jerusalem nor any other town in "P-lestine".  Eretz Yisrael was simple a nominal provice under the Roman empire which attempted to "Erase the memory" of the Jews from History as a result of the Jewish Revolt as dictated by Josephus....

These Arabs flooded into "P-lestine" in between 1880 and 1930 during the Jewish "nation" building era for a job or to rape the Jew of its welfare system....  similarly how they are flooding into Europe and America today. 

--- End quote ---

Thanks. 1 question, are some "P-lestine" jewish converts? or "arab'nized" jews? And i get the issue that there is no such thing as "palestin.e" or "p-lestine" same with the term "turk". No such thing as turks in 500bc, 100 b.c, 200 a,d or 600 ad, in asia minor, iran, caucasia or anywhere else in west asia.

I would imagine there were a few converts over the long history, but the modern revisionisms promulated as "P-alestinains" are Muslims from the surrounding Arab lands like Syria, "Lebanon", Egypt, Iraq etc. All of the surrounding dictators: Assad, Hussein, Faruk, Nasser and even Golda Meir and I believe Araft himself are on record saying that the "Palestin-ians" do not exist.... 

When you say "Arabianized" Jews you refer to the Sephardim.  Sephardim literally means "Spanish" Jews.  These are the Jews that have spent millenia under Islamic "dhimmi" status and have lived in the Arabian/Islamic World for hundreds of years before Islam, many from 586BCE (Babylonian Invasion of Israel) and most specifically 136AD (Roman invasion distruction of Judea). 

If you go to google video and look for "Forgotton Refugees": you will learn much about this forgotten aspect of Jewish "Arabianized" history... ;)


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