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Iranian saying hello :P

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--- Quote from: MarZutra on April 30, 2008, 10:21:04 PM ---I would imagine there were a few converts over the long history, but the modern revisionisms promulated as "P-alestinains" are Muslims from the surrounding Arab lands like Syria, "Lebanon", Egypt, Iraq etc. All of the surrounding dictators: Assad, Hussein, Faruk, Nasser and even Golda Meir and I believe Araft himself are on record saying that the "Palestin-ians" do not exist.... 

When you say "Arabianized" Jews you refer to the Sefaradim.  Sefaradim literally means "Spanish" Jews.  These are the Jews that have spent millenia under Islamic "dhimmi" status and have lived in the Arabian/Islamic World for hundreds of years before Islam, many from 586BCE (Babylonian Invasion of Israel) and most specifically 136AD (Roman invasion distruction of Judea). 

If you go to google video and look for "Forgotton Refugees": you will learn much about this forgotten aspect of Jewish "Arabianized" history... ;)

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Thank you very much, will look into this more.

No worries..  I'm glad to be of service.  Should you come accross a credible book on Persian History, please feel free to relay the title... :)  Interesting about the Turks...  Another aspect of history I've newly learned  O0

Ultra Requete:
I woried woried in the start, but you seems to be OK for now. many Iranians I know are converting back to zaratustranism or into Christianity are you planining to do so? Are you supporter of HAMSA or SUMKA?


--- Quote from: Ultra Requete on May 22, 2008, 06:22:34 AM ---I woried woried in the start, but you seems to be OK for now. many Iranians I know are converting back to zaratustranism or into Christianity are you planining to do so? Are you supporter of HAMSA or SUMKA?

--- End quote ---

Hamsa? I'm not sure what it is?

Im confused with the group Sumka, however i do support their main idea; A Free Iran. Although they have bits of pieces that i dont support or just doesn't make sense.

As for religion, no.

Hi Khashayarsha, welcome to the forum!

Your conversation with MarZutra brought up many valuable points.  O0


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