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Iranian saying hello :P
Kahane-Was-Right BT:
--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 29, 2008, 11:43:37 PM ---Oh wait your jew and can say anything you want right? huh?
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You have pent up hostility against Jews.
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And i bet if show a picture of a israeli savagely beating up a pale.stin..ian i would get banned? O0
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Showing a picture of an Israeli 'savagely beating up' a Fakestinian, would accomplish what exactly? That the iranian regime is free to do whatever it wants to any group of people, including bahai only because of their bahai faith, just because you perceive Israel as "oppressing Fakestinians?"
You are subtlely suggesting that Israeli Jews "oppress Fakestinians" just as the Muslims often do in an argument when they cannot make any actual point. Just deflect the discussion and say 'but what about the zionists and what they do to fakestinians!!! You can't complain to me!' Why do you argue in this way?
--- Quote ---SHow me that jews are getting killed lmao.
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There WERE Jews that got killed who were suspected of being "Spies" for Israel, years ago. There was not proof of this, and they were trumped up charges. It was an international incident of sorts. It caused many Jews to flee the country fearing for their lives. As did many after the revolution. They had good reason to be afraid and good reason to leave.
Jews may be ok for now in Iran, but the Iranian regime wants to slaughter the Jews who live in Israel, so why do you expect me as a Jew to have any sympathy for your sick leaders? They can go to hell.
Kahane-Was-Right BT:
--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 30, 2008, 12:52:21 AM ---
--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 30, 2008, 12:48:52 AM ---
--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 30, 2008, 12:46:50 AM ---
--- Quote from: Scriabin on April 30, 2008, 12:44:26 AM ---
--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 30, 2008, 12:39:30 AM ---The thing is you don't know is that iran is being shown as something even "worse" than it actual is.
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Yes. China is the Great Satan.
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We're not only anti-muslim, we are also heavily against left-wing big government. Communist China is indeed one of our enemies.
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So this site is against arabs, communists, even though the creator of communism was a jew, and what else?
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"the creator of communism was a Jew"
And? Your point? Do you have any point? Why do you make such inane comments? If a Jew creates a philosophy, are all Jewish people then required to celebrate it? What if a Jew creates something stupid? Must all Jews say it is 'not stupid' because the jerk who made it was calling himself Jewish? What if a Jew invents a type of poetry, and only 40% of Jews actually like this style, while the rest of Jews think it is bland. WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE THAT THE INVENTOR OF THE STYLE OF POETRY WAS A JEW? I'm obligated to gather round the fire with him cause he's a Jew? We don't worship men. We don't worship philosophies. We worship G-d. Nothing else.
Kahane-Was-Right BT:
--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 30, 2008, 01:27:25 AM ---
--- Quote from: Scriabin on April 30, 2008, 01:25:31 AM ---
--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 30, 2008, 01:24:03 AM ---
--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 30, 2008, 01:21:25 AM ---
--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 30, 2008, 01:18:34 AM ---
--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 30, 2008, 01:15:21 AM ---<<Karl Marx is "Jewish" and not a follower of "Judaism". He is still a jew ethnicity wise. >>
What is your point?
<<So what religion do you believe in? >>
I'm Catholic.
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I'm just saying he is a "jew" no matter what religion or politic he believes in.
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Just know JTF hates Jews that are communists.
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So what type of government are they "cheering" for?
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A Jewish one.
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Communism is the only jewish government coming to mind? Want to clear it up a bit? And they want this for israel or U.S?
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Communism is not a "jewish conspiracy," you moron.
Kahane-Was-Right BT:
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on April 30, 2008, 10:12:07 AM ---
--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 30, 2008, 08:02:49 AM ---
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on April 30, 2008, 03:26:43 AM ---Jews are indeed openly and actively persecuted in Iran, the Islamic government recently shut down all the Jewish schools.
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Yeah, they do. They kill jews, savagely beat them up, go in their faces say the holocaust never happened, and throw them in the dump. You happy? imo.
Seriously no one gives a duck's donkey if you're a jew in iran.
They closed down the schools, because the lack of jews actually intending the schools. Most jews are intending public schools instead. There are still jewish schools in iran. ::)
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The Jews who escaped Iran say the opposite of what you claim
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That's exactly right.
Some Iranians have a "cyrus the great - complex." They have an obsession with insisting that everyone in Iran is absolutely free and tolerant and not oppressed. To them, Iran is precisely the opposite of oppression, it's a bastion of freedom and anyone who fled for their life from there and claims persecution, be damned, because you are interfering with his persian pride complex. And they make it their business to tell you how free it is too. It's just that free over there. They don't persecute anybody, even if there is an Islamic regime THAT DOES OPERATE contrary to traditional Persian values, their mental reality trumps actual reality. And mental reality in the cyrus the great-complex Iranian says that no Jew was ever persecuted in Iran, ever, in human history, ever, since earth was created.
--- Quote from: Kahane-Was-Right BT on July 08, 2008, 04:28:51 AM ---
--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 30, 2008, 12:52:21 AM ---
--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 30, 2008, 12:48:52 AM ---
--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 30, 2008, 12:46:50 AM ---
--- Quote from: Scriabin on April 30, 2008, 12:44:26 AM ---
--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 30, 2008, 12:39:30 AM ---The thing is you don't know is that iran is being shown as something even "worse" than it actual is.
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Yes. China is the Great Satan.
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We're not only anti-muslim, we are also heavily against left-wing big government. Communist China is indeed one of our enemies.
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So this site is against arabs, communists, even though the creator of communism was a jew, and what else?
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"the creator of communism was a Jew"
And? Your point? Do you have any point? Why do you make such inane comments? If a Jew creates a philosophy, are all Jewish people then required to celebrate it? What if a Jew creates something stupid? Must all Jews say it is 'not stupid' because the jerk who made it was calling himself Jewish? What if a Jew invents a type of poetry, and only 40% of Jews actually like this style, while the rest of Jews think it is bland. WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE THAT THE INVENTOR OF THE STYLE OF POETRY WAS A JEW? I'm obligated to gather round the fire with him cause he's a Jew? We don't worship men. We don't worship philosophies. We worship G-d. Nothing else.
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and of course Karl Marx, the jew under discussion, the self-hating jew that is considered founder of socialism - the precursor to communism.
He wrote a book "A world without jews".
He was a proper anti-semite. Not just an anti-religious jew. An Anti-semite/Anti-jew, that happens to be jewish!
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