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Iranian saying hello :P
That certainly is your opinion and your entitled to it, but I'm obliged to respond forcefully to such garbage. The American government is in no way directly responsible for 9/11. The Commission report and the facts are just overwhelming. The perpetrators were all Muslims. The majority of whom were from Saudi Arabia. Normal, sane people accept this as fact. If you want to postulate your conspiracy theories, go ahead. I don't know how long this forum will tolerate such "diverse" opinions, but feel free to desecrate the memory of the victims of Arab terror.
--- Quote from: Yirmiyahu Ben Moshe on April 29, 2008, 11:11:33 PM ---That certainly is your opinion and your entitled to it, but I'm obliged to respond forcefully to such garbage. The American government is in no way directly responsible for 9/11. The Commission report and the facts are just overwhelming. The perpetrators were all Muslims. The majority of whom were from Saudi Arabia. Normal, sane people accept this as fact. If you want to postulate your conspiracy theories, go ahead. I don't know how long this forum will tolerate such "diverse" opinions, but feel free to desecrate the memory of the victims of Arab terror.
--- End quote ---
The thing is "i don't care"... And you're already apeing me? ::) I barely no anything about islam, so dont start asking me questions about this or that.
The whole thing looks like a set up to me; everything from iraq(saddam hussein getting power, and losing power), oil prices going nuts, arabs getting heavily discriminated, and the falling of the towers look suspicious. If i were controlling U.S. hell i would blow up a building or two and blame it on some heavily discriminated group, for sure i can use arab as a scape goat and get away with it. Then start creating propaganda that arabs as a whole are "terrorists". Declare war. Try to take their oil, land, but at the end U.S turns out into cocky macbeth and it dies and loses again...
BTW: dont like muslims either, so dont try to call me a sympathizer, lmao.
<<So i dont get why on this forum jews are under "moderation" because they are "jew", or they are heavily discriminated... Iranians jews are free to move to where ever they want, so how is iran holding them "hostage"...
<< arabs getting heavily discriminated, and the falling of the towers look suspicious.>>
Look what happens in that ayatollah regime of yours:
<<Baha'is in Iran are systematically denied jobs, pensions and the right to inherit property. More than 10,000 Baha’is have been dismissed from government and university posts since Iran’s 1979 revolution.
Baha'is have been barred from institutions of higher education since 1980.>>
The thing is "i don't care"...
Just some "infidels".
--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 29, 2008, 11:36:55 PM ---<<So i dont get why on this forum jews are under "moderation" because they are "jew", or they are heavily discriminated... Iranians jews are free to move to where ever they want, so how is iran holding them "hostage"...
<< arabs getting heavily discriminated, and the falling of the towers look suspicious.>>
Look what happens in that ayatollah regime of yours:
<<Baha'is in Iran are systematically denied jobs, pensions and the right to inherit property. More than 10,000 Baha’is have been dismissed from government and university posts since Iran’s 1979 revolution.
Baha'is have been barred from institutions of higher education since 1980.>>
The thing is "i don't care"...
Just some "infidels".
--- End quote ---
Regime of mine? lmao? ;D and bahais are jews? right? it's funny i never said i was an I.R supporter nor was my family. Oh wait your jew and can say anything you want right? huh?
And i bet if show a picture of a israeli savagely beating up a pale.stin..ian i would get banned? O0
It's funny how you take a quote that has nothing to do with that, i mean i dont care about islam...
Yeah infidel, i guess am also infidel, uncut dick and born atheist. 8;)
Nice "come back". :::D
SHow me that jews are getting killed lmao. What, you also believe the B.S lies from the news, lmao?
Half these people that got killed, because they were anti-I.R, i probably would be hanged also for the amount of anti excrement i been writing about IR.
Regime of mine? lmao? ;D and bahais are jews? right?
No, just another group of non-muslims.
it's funny i never said i was an I.R supporter nor was my family. Oh wait your jew and can say anything you want right? huh?
I'm not a Jew.
And i bet if show a picture of a israeli savagely beating up a pale.stin..ian i would get banned? O0
There are no "Paalestinians"
It's funny how you take a quote that has nothing to do with that, i mean i dont care about islam...
Guess you don't care since you don't live in Iran with tour attitude.
Yeah infidel, i guess am also infidel, uncut dick and born atheist. 8;)
Can you tell us something about Iran before the revolution of '79.
Nice "come back". :::D
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