Hello Dear Chaim,
Hope all is well and you had a great week. A couple of quick ones. Has JTF ever considered placing Tzedaka boxes in Jewish or righteous gentile establishments? I would be happy to place them around my neighborhood, but I would probably need something official as people are wary of scams. I did already talk to one Jewish bookstore owner familiar with JTF, but he brought up the usual JTF racism nonsense.
The second question deals with my mother. She is stubbornly addicted to smoking and despite my constant pleas for her to stop, she does not no matter what I say. Her habit is also taking a toll on my health I believe because I am bothered by second hand smoke whenever I am around her. She does not believe second hand smoke is dangerous for some reason. She is a good person and I love her dearly, but her habit is putting a strain on our relationship, and I believe G-d forbid she will die prematurely. When I tell her this, she says her fate is in G-d's hands. I know it's a hard one, but any advice you might have on helping my mother to finally quit would be appreciated. Until next week G-d willing, all the best to you. Thanks.