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Ask JTF For January 21 Broadcast

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Chodesh Tov,

Yes, Iraqi Jews do china before weddings. I heard though that religious Sfardic Jews have china parties for women only.  The pouring of water comes from water respresenting The Torah so it is a blessing. Self-hating Sfardic Jews in Israel call Shavuot "Chag HaMayim" and celebrate it by having barbecues and having water fights and going to the beach. They think it is like the way most Americans celebrate the American Memorial Day.

Speaking of Sfaradim, a commenter on Ask JTF once implied that saying Sfaradim are "Non-European Jews" means "non-white". It is false that all Non-Europeans are non-white. The original inhabitants of The Middle East and North Africa were all white as are Arabs today other than the mixing with Schvartza Kushim that you mentioned. Also, there are European Sfardic Jews. After all, Sfarad is in Europe. Some Greek Jews and other Jews in that part of Europe are also Sfardic.

I know that Turks are Non-European just like Jews are Non-European. Both are white Asians. Do you agree that both Jews and Turks are white Asians?

The Central Asians are white Asians just like Armenians are. Armenia is in Asia just like Israel, but both countries are part of Western Civilization despite their continent. Do you consider Armenians to be white? Do you consider other peoples who currently inhabit The Caucus Mountains region (Georgia and Azerbaijan) to be white? If not, why not? I think Jews are most racially related to Armenians and Kurds. All are Mediterranean Caucasians. Abraham and his family were from the area of Northern Iraq (Today Kurdistan.) and Armenia (Aram). Padan-Aram, the birth place of Rachel and Leah is part of Armenia today occupied by Muslim Nazi Turkey.

On a related note, calling Orientals "Asians" is nonsense if all of the Caucasians in Asia as well as dark skinned Indians (Australoids) are also Asians as are Jews. Why be "politically correct" and use the word Asian for The Oriental Race? Also, it's not consistant because sometimes the people that use Asian for The Oriental Race also use it to refer to Indians. If you are referring specifically to the people with the slanty eyes, they should be called Oriental. Asian can mean Jews, Arabs, Persians, Indians, and Orientals, etc....

Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim,
Chief Administrator

I am posting this on behalf of Yacov Menashe. 

Thank you for answering my question about Mount Lebanon. How would we develop it and what would we do with the places in the pictures I posted? The new question is what would a Kahanist government do with cities such as Amman, Aqaba, Damascus, and Beirut when we liberate The Land of Israel? Will those cities be destroyed and Jewish cities built in their place or will the cities be left in tact with Jews replacing the Arab Muslim Nazis as the people living there? Were Damascus and Beirut Jewish cities in The Bible? I know Amman is really Rabat Ammon and Aqaba is Halachically part of Eilat. Did Jews live in Rabat Ammon and Eilat? Eilat is part of The Greater Land of Israel and is Halachically no different than Sinai. Judea and Samaria, however, are not part of The "Greater" Land of Israel but rather The Complete Part of Israel because they ARE Biblical Israel's primary areas. Transjordan is also more a part of Israel than Eilat because some tribes lived there and The Golan Heights Halachically is the same as the land controlled by Arab Muslim Nazi Jordan. Gaza is Halachically part of Judea.

What would be the Kahanist program for the development of Eilat and Sinai? How would we deal with the immorality taking place in Eilat? When I arrived in Eilat on the bus in the middle of the night, I walked to the beach and I saw Israeli arsim dancing to trance "music" and to me it seemed like some kind of pagan ritual. What would Kahanists do to outlaw such public lewdness?

Greetings, Chaim

You wrote an awesome article I believe in 2001. You stated Schwartze women are just as evil as their men.
You were right .

Look at nations that have a diverse mix in them. Such as Jamaica, that has a schwartze plurality; Black mixed with East Indian , Chinese and White.The nation has and always has had economical and social problems ever since the Brits departed. The country would be a complete hell if not for chiefly white tourists.
Carribeans claim to be Christians. I think they wouldn't know a Christian concept if they ran into it. Look at the schmutz plurality in the south Bronx, Black mixed with White and native American in one individual, that is bound to make anyone dispicable.

I don't expect a lengthy responce.

 My humble thanks, Chaim

Christian Zionist:
Shalom Chaim!

Why do conservatives oppose the increase in minimum wage and why do liberals support that?

What is the effect on the economy when the minimum wage is increased?


Christian Zionist

Hello Chaim,

Please consider these comments with an open mind. I only mean the best for the organization.

I heard what you said on a previous Ask JTF episode about why no one at JTF receives a salary. I am happy to hear how much you value every penny we donate. Yet, I am afraid your altruism in this respect is misplaced in such a crucial time for Israel and America. If paying salaries will help JTF grow and help to save Israel, than I think it should be done immediately. You must understand that most people are not as altruistic as you are. Therefore, in order to build the kind of movement we need, we must play off people's self interest, we must do whatever it takes. 

If paying salaries to build a larger force of activists would give JTF any better chance of saving Israel when its situation is so desparate, doesn't JTF have a RESPONSIBILITY to do so despite your personal feelings on the matter?


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