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Proofs For Young Earth

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Christian Zionist:
1. Earth's Magnetic Field Strength is decaying by half every 1400 years, based on measurements since 1835, according to Thomas Barnes. Extrapolating backwards 10,000 years, earth's magnetic field strength would have been as strong as a magnetic star. 1 million years ago earth's magnetic field strength would be 10215 Tesla, greater than the magnetism of all objects in the universe. All this speaks of a recent creation date less than 10,000 years ago.

Source:T.G. Barnes, "Origin and Destiny of Earth's Magnetic Field",


2. Earth's Heat The earth is slowly cooling from the surface inwards according to Stefan's Law of radiation. Lord Kelvin in 1889 calculated that the earth could not be billions of years old because of earth's known rate of cooling, the existing temperature gradient in the earth, and the assumption that the earth could not have been hotter than "white hot" initially.

Source: "Popular lecturers and addresses" (London: MacMillan, 1889), p.415

3. Short lived lunar isotopes Uranium 236 and Thorium 230

If the moon were of great age, these short lived isotopes would have long since decayed away. Yet they are not only present, but are in relative abundance. U-236 half life is 23.9 million years, Thorium-230 half life is 80,000 years. Thus, according to this method, the moon's age should be thousands of years, not millions or billions.

4. Poynting Robertson Effect. All stars have a gravitational field and pull in particles like gas, dust and meteors within their range. O and B type stars radiating energy 100,000 times faster than our sun have a spiralling effect, pulling particles in all the faster. The unexpected thing from an evolutionary old universe viewpoint is that huge O and B stars have huge dust clouds surrounding them. If these stars were millions of years old, every particle in close range would have been pulled in by now.

Source: J.C. Whitcomb, "Origin of the Solar System".

5. HOT "O" type stars are 10,000 times the diameter of our sun, and radiate 100,000 times more energy. Burning down at this rate, and working back in time, the entire universe would have been filled with the mass of these stars 20,000 years ago, not millions of years ago.

Source: H. Slusher, Bible-Science Newsletter, January 1975, p.2

6. Stellar Radiation Small cosmic dust particles are abundant in galactic space. Solar wind (star radiation) tends to push these particles out of the galaxy. If the universe is only a couple of million years old, calculations show that the galaxy should now be swept clean of dust. But the dust exists in abundance in interstellar space, implying a young galaxy. There is no known source of dust replenishment.

7. Delta Filling. The Mississippi river dumps about 300 million cubic metres of sediment into the Gulf of Mexico each year. If this river were millions of years old, the Gulf would have been filled long ago. Since the delta grows about 250 feet per year, it's age calculates to about 4000 years, very close to the flood 4,400 years ago.

Source: B.Allen, Geologic Age of Mississippi,

CRS Vol.9,...p.96-114

8. Hydrogen in the Universe Hydrogen is constantly being converted to Helium throughout the universe. Hydrogen cannot be produced in great quantities. If the universe were very old, by now there should be little Hydrogen left. Fred Hoyle says: "Why does the universe consist almost entirely of hydrogen? If matter was infinitely old, this would be quite impossible. The creation issue simply cannot be dodged".

Source: "The Nature of the Universe ". 1960, p.125

9. Ocean Sediment. There is not enough sediment on the sea floors. Rivers add about 28 billion tons of sediment to the oceans each year. If this had occurred for 1 billion years, the continents would have eroded away hundreds of times. There would be a layer of sediment on the ocean floor over 100 miles thick. In reality there is so much less sediment on the ocean floor (average 800 feet thick), and the continents have not eroded even once yet. All the continents would be worn down to sea level in 14 million years. Sharp angular rock features imply youthfulness.

The Tasman Sea off Australia is not part of a subduction zone of ocean floor being pushed deep into the earth. Subduction zones could not dispose of 10% of incoming sediment. Hence the sea floors seem young.

10. Rapid Stalagmite and Stalactite Formation. Today's slow growth rate of huge stalagmites and stalactites lead some people to conclude that they were formed over millions of years. However, their rate of formation depends on water flow, temperature, and lime concentrations.

This stalactite grew so fast that it encased a bat before decomposition set in. Under the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC., stalactites had grown to 5 feet in 50 years.

Source: "The World that Perished"

J.C. Whitcomb p.114

11. Radiohaloes shorten geologic ages of millions of years to a few thousand years.

Radiohaloes are colour rings around microscopic radioactive minerals in rock crystals.

    * "Squashed" Polonium -210 radiohaloes indicate that Jurassic, Triassic and Eocene formations in the Colorado Plateau were deposited within months of one another, not from 225-255 million years apart, as evolution suggests.
    * "Orphan" Polonium-218 radiohaloes, having no evidence of their mother elements, imply either instant creation, or drastic changes in radioactive decay rates.

12. Ocean concentrations of elements flowing in from rivers. If we assume, as evolutionists must, that the oceans were 100% freshwater at the beginning of earth's history, and knowing that the rivers wash 450 million tonnes of sodium off the continents into the oceans each year, if we factor in any recycling of salt, and knowing that sodium's concentration in the oceans to be 10,500 mg/m1, then the very maximum number of years required to reach today's sodium concentration level in the oceans are 260 million years.

This means that the oceans, and hence earth could not be older than 260 million years. Most other elements give an age to accumulate to today's level as about 10,000 years. eg. Vanadium (10,000 yr), Cobalt and Nickel (18,000 yr), Copper (50,000 yr), Caesium (40,000 yr). Bismuth (45,000 yr), Calcium (8 million years), Silicon (8,000 yr) etc.

13. Igneous Crystal Build-up Knowing today's volcanic addition of igneous rocks, the entire crust of earth could be produced by volcanoes in 500 million years.

Excellent post, Christian Zionist. I totally concur. The theory of evolution is complete bunk and refuted by true science as you just demonstrated.

I don't like the post.  These theories are very conjecture like made by people who don't understand science and all are laughable.  I'm sure if you speak to a real scientist, he can knock off each one of these theories in a few minutes.  In fact, I only have a college degree in chemistry and know that several of these claims are very stupid.  The real scientific proof points to a universe billions of years old and is based on real scientific data, not based on how much ocean sediment you think should be on the bottom of the ocean (wtf is this crazy idea, when sediment gets millions of years old it turns into rock).  The earth's magnetic field reverses itself ever couple of hundred thousand years (last one was at 785k years ago based on magnetic measurements of iron particles in sediment deposited 785k years ago and before that showed the particles were aligned in the opposite direction) and only transiently weakens when it is about to reverse itself, the weakening is not a steady thing.  In the past 150 years, the magnetic field has weakened 10 percent since scientists say a reversal will happen some time soon.  The weakening of the field is not steady as demonstrated by sediment measurments and navigational recordings from sailors hundreds of years ago.

Both Th-230 and U-236 can be generated through radioactive decay of U-238 -- and U-238 is not short-lived. In point of fact, the half-life of U-238 is a bit less than 4.5 billion years!   ;D These guys should learn some basic chemistry before trying to sound intelligent.

 I won't bother with the other ridiculous claims made by dumb people who never studied science.  If you want to believe the earth is only a few thousand years old then base it on faith and not on science since there is too much scientific proof that it is not so.

I can not speak for anyone else, but the fact that one of the documented scientific articles in the aforementioned post is dated in the 1800's, IS ALL THE PROOF I NEED!

young earth agruments: a second look

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