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Offline Ambiorix

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« on: May 05, 2008, 10:17:39 PM »

Presentation of our
  party by Nils-Eric
My name is Nils-Eric Hennix and I am the president of Nationaldemokraterna.

Our country is dissolving; culturally, morally and economically. Therefore I hope you will join us and participate in the recreation of our country as a place where citizens can feel safe, happy and believe in the future.

We citizens have been exposed to a catastrophic increase in criminality, from 195.000 reported crimes in 1950, to 1.248.743 reported crimes in 2004.

Nordic virtues as honesty, helpfulness, willingness to work, a good attitude toward women and respectful treatment of animals, are constantly being replaced by criminality and oppression of women, hostility against Swedes, abuse of social welfare, gang rapes and cruelty to animals. All as a consequence of the imposed multi-cultural society.

A land for our children and grandchildren

Nationaldemokraterna are working to make Sweden into a country that we with pride can give to coming generations. Today Swedish families with children flee the concrete suburbs to live in Swedish areas where they still can be safe and feel fellowship with their own people. Our party is gathering all those who want Swedish values to once again be the standard in our country, where democracy works with local referendums and where we can feel security and the spirit of togetherness.

The welfare has in a short period of time been destroyed, even though we went from paying 10% in taxes in 1950 to 60-70% taxes in the year 2005. If you believe this development was unavoidable, you are wrong. The Swedish people are still hard-working and orderly. The politicians have bent their backs and sold out our Swedish companies to the international market. At the same time, the old parties went completely against the will of the people and carried out the multicultural experiment that is tormenting our country today.

Secure jobs
Swedes are known world-wide as a diligent people, and we are still the top of the line in the technical development in many areas. We want to make sure that the Swedes get credit for their work and their knowledge, we don’t want it to end up in some foreign business owners pocket. If Sweden is going to last against cheap Chinese products and Pakistani wages, we have to protect our welfare and prevent the international market from taking over.

Welfare before multi-culture
Last year almost 60 000 immigrants were granted residence permit. 1% of them were refugees. This year, even more foreign citizens (most of them from Africa and the Middle East) will get permanent residence permits. The state will have to lower the pensions and all other public services additionally since the majority of these immigrants are not self-supporting, but burden the social services. Many come here only to exploit our welfare, it’s for example free for asylants to get their teeth fixed, something that makes healthcare even more expensive for us Swedes.

The immigration policy is the most important political issue in our history of thirteen thousand years. Only the nationalist movement can save Sweden, since all parties in the Riksdag accept and encourage the non-European colonization of our country.

National Democracy in Europe
Nationaldemokraterna is a part of the European national democratic movement. We stand for western values about freedom of speech, order and discipline, respect and freedom under responsibility. Other foreign cultures may build any communities they desire on their continents, but Europe must be based and built on European traditions.

How we work
ND is building a popular movement all over Sweden that gathers the national resistance against the parliamentary parties' terrible ruling of our country. In our organization we honor the ideals we set for society, such as high morals, selflessness and reliability.

You are welcome to join the spirit of togetherness within Nationaldemokraterna. We are young, middle-aged and older people who feel responsible for our native country which our ancestors left us and which we will leave to our children, grandchildren and coming generations.

Nils-Eric Hennix

National Democrats (Sweden)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The National Democrats (Nationaldemokraterna, ND) is a minor political party in Sweden, formed by a faction of the Sweden Democrats in October 2001. The far right party describes itself as a democratic nationalist ("national democratic") and ethnopluralist party.[1] The general media and other observers frequently designate the party as xenophobic and/or racist[2][3][4][5][6][7] and the Stephen Roth Institute has described it as "neo-Nazi"[8], while the party itself rejects these descriptions.[9][10]
In the 2006 general election the party gained 3,064 votes (0.06%) in the elections to the Riksdag. The party also has representation in two municipalities south of Stockholm. The current chairman of the party is Marc Abramsson.
Wrong ::) it is Nils-Eric Hennix

On February 2, 2008, the old party logo consisting of a blue and yellow sail was replaced with an orange cloudberry flower. [1]
Contents [hide]
1 Ideology
1.1 Homosexuality
2 Campaigns and political ties
3 References
4 External links

The rightwing party describes its ideology as nationalist ("national democratic") and ethnopluralist.[1] A broad outline of the party program:
Defend Sweden by creating an ethnically-pure white people. Non-white immigration should be stopped to prevent people of non-white heritage from assimilating into the Swedish population. The party blames foreigners for crime, poverty and what they call "declining moral values".
The culture should be traditionally Swedish; thus, the National Democrats advocates a ban on mosques and "unhealthy artworks and buildings".
No foreign institutions or companies should be able to own media.
ND also says that they want to "strengthen democracy" by limiting the right to vote. They say the most important requirement to be able to vote is to have a general knowledge of politics.
According to Jimmy Windeskog, a leading member of the party, the "political roots of the party goes back to the social democratic idea of the Folkhemmet, so professionally constructed by social democratic politicians like Per Albin Hansson and Ernst Wigforss. These people have more in common with ND today than any other party".[11]
The party is highly critical of multinational corporations such as Shell and McDonald's which they label as "imperialist corporations" who are "exploiting third world resources [and] contributing to environmental pollution".[12]
In its 2006 general election manifesto, the party writes: "For years the social democrats have pursued a pure liberalist right-wing policy. They have bended their backs for the global market forces and opened up our country for the large companies to greedily grab. We know that Sweden can stand good in the competition with other countries, but then the state need side with the Swedish workers'."[13]
The party is also highly critical of United States foreign policy and of NATO, which it calls the "military spearheads of the global empire".[14][15] The party also calls for struggle against what it calls the "imperialist occupations of Serbia, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan."[15]
The party holds that parents should maintain "healthy family ideals" and the nuclear family should be preserved. No "perverted" family forms should be allowed, for instance legalised homosexual relations. Homosexuality is generally accepted in Swedish society.
Prominent members of ND and its youth organization NDU were involved in a violent protest against participants of the Stockholm Pride parade in the summer of 2003 which resulted in a severe beating of one man and brief panic among parade participants.

A number of NDU members, including the chairman of NDU, Marc Abrahamsson and ND's candidate for the EU parliament elections in 2004, John Andersson, were indicted for battery and rioting and were later convicted of it.
According to ND, the incident was caused by undue provocation by alleged members of violent anarchist networks who had infiltrated the parade and that the actions of the ND and NDU members was mere self-defense. During previous pride parades, ND had staged very minor non-violent counter-demonstrations to show their resistance to the idea of gay rights and gay pride.
Most of ND's criticism of the gay community and gay rights movement is motivated by a view of homosexuality as being unnatural and because the party believes that gay male individuals are heavily overrepresented among child molestors and that gay rights organizations to some extent support pedophilia. Most of the slogans in protests aimed at gay organizations, pressure groups and communities concern pedophilia.
[edit]Campaigns and political ties

Campaigning before the 2004 European Parliament election, Nick Griffin of the British National Party visited Sweden and the National Democrats to give the party his endorsement.[citation needed]
A very popular and reoccurring part of ND campaigns target an alleged over-representation of immigrant groups in crime statistics with strong focus on sex crimes.
ND has also participated in several of the annual "Salem Marches" together with openly national socialist organizations such as the National Socialist Front, the Swedish Resistance Movement and Blood & Honour. ND has also participated with these organizations in annual marches honoring King Charles XII of Sweden on November 30 and a march in memory of the bombing of Dresden in World War II.[citation needed]
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline Yisrael ben Avraham

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Re: Nationaldemokraterna
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2008, 10:45:05 AM »
Are you kidding me? Are you praising nationaldemokraterna? They are a nazi party who are notoriously antisemitic and hostile to anything not considered "swedish". Trust me, the synagogues are in they're eyes as unswedish as a mosque. They are vehemntly opposed to Israel and the swedish jews.
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Offline mord

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Re: Nationaldemokraterna
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2008, 11:11:39 AM »
It's anti U.S. and Anti Israel             
The party is also highly critical of United States foreign policy and of NATO, which it calls the "military spearheads of the global empire".[14][15] The party also calls for struggle against what it calls the "imperialist occupations of Serbia, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan."[15]
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 11:36:13 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Zelhar

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Re: Nationaldemokraterna
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2008, 11:21:42 AM »
Ambiorix they cooperate with the Nazis don't they? And You support them?

Offline Ulli

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Re: Nationaldemokraterna
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2008, 12:24:11 PM »
It's anti U.S. and Anti Israel             
The party is also highly critical of United States foreign policy and of NATO, which it calls the "military spearheads of the global empire".[14][15] The party also calls for struggle against what it calls the "imperialist occupations of Serbia, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan."[15]

This people are nuts.

What is this for a list?  :

I have the assumption, that this party wants no righteousness, but the same evil welfare socialism, but only without muslimes.

In its 2006 general election manifesto, the party writes: "For years the social democrats have pursued a pure liberalist right-wing policy. They have bended their backs for the global market forces and opened up our country for the large companies to greedily grab. We know that Sweden can stand good in the competition with other countries, but then the state need side with the Swedish workers'."[13]

Hahahaha  :::D :::D :::D :::D

This is the best comment I ever heard - Swedish Social Democrats are liberal rightwing  :::D :::D :::D

Ambiorix I am sorry, but this party is evil - They are not National Socialists, but National Bolschewiks  >:(

And they are stupid - Why are coming this evil vicious Muzzie Nazis to Sweden?

Because they get there lots of welfare!
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Offline Yisrael ben Avraham

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Re: Nationaldemokraterna
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2008, 11:06:30 PM »
Pheasant,you quoted the wrong partys manifest. Thats the SOCIAL democrats, the major sweish party, not the Sweden democrats.
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Re: Nationaldemokraterna
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2008, 11:42:14 PM »
Is National Demokraterna the same party as Sverige Demokraterna? 

Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs wrote on his blog that Sverige Demokraterna is a white nationalist party.  He was against that Brussels anti-jihad conference of last year due to the participation of Sverige Demokraterna and the Vlaams Belang. 

However, Pamela from Atlas Shrugs went there, as did the writer Bat Ye'or. 

Offline Ulli

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Re: Nationaldemokraterna
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2008, 03:48:20 AM »
Pheasant,you quoted the wrong partys manifest. Thats the SOCIAL democrats, the major sweish party, not the Sweden democrats.

I quoted from the wikipedia issue " Nationaldemokraterna" here:

I think, because of this article, that "Nationaldemokraterna" is actually more leftwing than Swedens major party Social Democrats.

My thesis was that the leftwing policy of Sweden is the cause for the suffering of the people there. This policy attracts Muslimes from all over the world, who are because of their sick culture and religion not able to earn their living in a natural way. So they go there, where the welfare is.

My conclusion was that the  party "Nationaldemokraterna" is contradicting itself, because it wants more socialism and more welfare for the people althrough welfare is the cause for the problems.

Plus that they are agitating "for struggle against what it calls the "imperialist occupations of Serbia, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan." It is hypocrisy to support Muslimes in foreign countries, but fighting them at home. And this composition of countries is not a sign of external expert knowledge.  ;)

"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline mord

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Re: Nationaldemokraterna
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2008, 07:02:12 AM »
Yes both nazis and communists are socialists.What i never understood is why communists in Russia never were brought up for war crimes
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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