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Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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« on: May 20, 2008, 05:01:34 PM »

Every day hundreds of mails are sent around the world, asking for help to save some animal species.

Is it not very strange how the whole world is ignoring the apparent Genocide being committed against the white people in South Africa?

This slaughter of whites by blacks is being portrayed in the media as - "merely crime related"

If the motive of the crime is theft, why is it necessary to take the life of the person that has already handed over their cell-phone or wallet?

If the motive for the crime is hijacking, why take the woman with them, gang-rape her and then slit her throat?

If the motive for house-breaking is petty theft, why throw boiling water over the farmers before killing them, - after forcing them to watch their wives being gang-raped and tortured in front of them?

Were the mass murders of Jews in Germany during WWII "merely crime related"?

Are the daily murders of various tribe members in Kenya "merely crime related"?


BUT... Why is it that the police can spend hundreds of thousands of Rands, and thousands of man-hours hunting down the one white that opened fire upon blacks in Skielik, whilst they cannot find any murderers of innocent, white children, women and men?

In any other countries a mass extermination of any tribe on such a scale would be considered Genocide, a crime against humanity, and an international outcry would follow.

Hundreds of peace keepers would be sent to South Africa.

The United Nations would hold a special sitting.

Headlines in the mass media would be screaming blue murder.

The television channels would be filled with scenes of the dead bodies, and their grieving families.

Yet in South Africa, the murder of the white tribe by the blacks is reduced to a statistic and labelled "crime".

The state sponsored media hardly spares their murders a few lines.

The police refuse to release statistics on the extent of the murders.

What must we do to focus the world's attention on this GENOCIDE---disguised as crime?

If you're a concerned citizen, whether in South Africa or internationally, you are morally bound to act---NOW!!

Get letters published in your local media highlighting the plight of the white tribe in South Africa.

Ask why the ANC led South African Government is suppressing crime figures.

Ask why the murders of white citizens in South Africa are not being solved.

If, as the media are quick to proclaim "WHITES CONDUCTING A RACIST CAMPAIGN AGAINST BLACKS" why do you not hear hundreds of reports of whites killing blacks for their cell-phones?

Why are the whites not killing blacks for their cars?

Why are the whites not breaking into the upper class black neighbourhoods, raping and murdering the women, before making of with their TV sets?

This GENOCIDE must be brought to the attention of the world media before it is too late. Before all the Whites have been erased from the face of South Africa.

Do your bit to help the White citizens of South Africa NOW!!

Send this mail to everyone you know throughout the world!!

Alert the world to the mass extermination taking place right in front of their eyes.

Alert all white tourists that are considering a visit to South Africa of the perils they will face.

Criticize the international mass media for their failure to report on the daily occurrence of murder and rape.

Black Racists Slaughter Whites in South Africa - Where's the Outrage?

This has been going on ever since the godless liberals succeeded in ousting white leaders for Black Communists, as some of the links will testify, but the situation is getting worse and WHERE IS THE WORLD MEDIA?

As someone has written, formerly when a white policeman's dog (trained for riots) went after a black criminal, the whole world knew about it and condemned it as racist. Some of these horrifying pictures of elderly white women (and even a little white baby) brutalized and murdered have yet to be shown.

I'm doing what I can to help expose how primitive the black rule has proven itself to be and how it should serve as a warning to our Israelite family of nations how bestial the Great Tribulation, the Times of the Gentiles, the Time of Jacob's Trouble, will be if we don't turn from our personal and national sins, seek G-d and save ourselves (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Here are some gruesome links, the ugly reality of the mess those who railed against apartheid made in South Africa.

Judge for yourselves:

Murders of white farmers in SA (warning, pictures not suitable for sensitive viewers)

Stop Boer Genocide is a website trying to alert the world about what's happening in South Africa and receiving very little coverage, which is racist in itself.

South Africa's planned land seizure from white farmers (look at the starvation in Zimbabwe/Rhodesia due to such hateful and ignorant racist policies).

There is also talk of an operation of Black African Nationalist and Communist extremists to eliminate the White European population of South Africa an hour after former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, dies.

by David Ben-Ariel

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)