What do you get for attempting to kill an Arab? Life?
i can't tell you how many years - but when yelling "i kill you filty arab!" during that stabbing it's considered a hatecrime and you're in
serious trouble!
also you sure would get nationwide news-headlines for days/weeks, german gouverment-representives openly condeming your action, demonstrations by germans & arabs against racism, etc.
to give you a glimpse of how things are here nowadays:
a few weeks ago a non-mohammedan was attacked in cologne by two arabs (with criminal records) who tried to rob him. he was handicaped (something with his eyes) and during the beating het got from them he somehow managed to get a pocketknive out and stabed (blindly, because at that point his special-glasses where already slammed from his face) in the direction of the attackers - he stabbed one of the guys only once but deadly.
there where huge arab-demonstrations in that neighborhood for days demanding him to get prosecuted for murder! luckily that didn't happen - but what happened was that he and his family had to leave his hometown cologne forever and the dead attacker is now a martyr...
had the robbing-victim during that attack for once screamed an anti-arab-insult, he would be f***ed - even if it was clearly in selfdefence!
actually in germany it's simple as that:
if the victim is a mohammedan / the attacker is a german = racist/neonazi hatecrime
if the victim is a german / the attacker is a mohammedan = "normal" brawl
if the victim is a german / the attacker is a mohammedan, but the german defends himself = could easily be a racist/neonazi hatecrime if the german wins
i live in deutsch-la-la-land...