Author Topic: German court sentences Muslim to 3.5 years for stabbing Frankfurt rabbi  (Read 20263 times)

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Offline JTFFan

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Self defense?!

He was walking around with a knife!
Who does that?!?!  ???

Nearly all Muslims in Germany have knifes, of course for self-defence ...

The press calls them Südländer, what is clearly offending to Greeks, Spains and Italians. in Greatbritain the press call them Asians.

If you search in google for Südländer + Messer (knife) you will be surprised:

That's true Golden Pheasant, Die sind der letzte Dreck, absolut Musel Abschaum!

Offline Ulli

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Südländer means in nearly all cases of crime  Moslems of Arab, Albanian or Turkish decent. This type of people are totally nuts. They don't care about theirself, their families or their furure. They are reacting totally irrational, like mad dogs.

Look at this case of the Rabbi. Before this mad dog attacked the Chabad Rabbi, he attacked other people with his knife, in other cases with fists.

The punishment for this was two weeks arrest in a special prison for younger persons.  ::)

You can read the whole story on the website of Gudrun Eussner:

Südländer in the sense of the word means people from mediterranian southern countries (Länder Pl. of Land country).

But if you hear this word in the press: Muzzies are meant.

Oh, thanks!  O0

Do these events occur often in Germany?

Yes. There are two cases, that I remember now.

The first was the attack from an Arab Muslim in Berlin, who attacked an orthodox Jew with fists and spit on him.

And the second was the    terrorization of the orthodox Jew Arie Tamm. He has over a long time a small store in Berlin. One day he became religious. From now on he sell only kosher products.
The Muslimes in the destrict identified him as a Jew and he has no quiet minute more in his life. They spit against the store windows, pissed against the store door and mocked all his customers and tried to blackmail him.

But to be honest, Tamm said, that some secular people from Turkey supported him (perhaps Alevites)

After two years he was finished. The police doesn't help him in a serious way.

He is now in Israel and goes to a Jeshiva. [The Jewish website mocked our good Chaim, but this article is true]
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline JTFFan

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Thanks for the article, Golden Pheasant. This muSSlim should have his brains fried out  O0

Give me a break, 3.5 years.  >:(

Offline Еврей

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Südländer means in nearly all cases of crime  Moslems of Arab, Albanian or Turkish decent. This type of people are totally nuts. They don't care about theirself, their families or their furure. They are reacting totally irrational, like mad dogs.

Look at this case of the Rabbi. Before this mad dog attacked the Chabad Rabbi, he attacked other people with his knife, in other cases with fists.

The punishment for this was two weeks arrest in a special prison for younger persons.  ::)

You can read the whole story on the website of Gudrun Eussner:

Südländer in the sense of the word means people from mediterranian southern countries (Länder Pl. of Land country).

But if you hear this word in the press: Muzzies are meant.

Oh, thanks!  O0

Do these events occur often in Germany?

Yes. There are two cases, that I remember now.

The first was the attack from an Arab Muslim in Berlin, who attacked an orthodox Jew with fists and spit on him.

And the second was the    terrorization of the orthodox Jew Arie Tamm. He has over a long time a small store in Berlin. One day he became religious. From now on he sell only kosher products.
The Muslimes in the destrict identified him as a Jew and he has no quiet minute more in his life. They spit against the store windows, pissed against the store door and mocked all his customers and tried to blackmail him.

But to be honest, Tamm said, that some secular people from Turkey supported him (perhaps Alevites)

After two years he was finished. The police doesn't help him in a serious way.

He is now in Israel and goes to a Jeshiva. [The Jewish website mocked our good Chaim, but this article is true]

So were all of these acts also in self defense?  :D

This is disgusting... but thanks for the info!  O0
"My name is Daniel Pearl. I am a Jewish American"
"My family follows Judaism. We've made numerous family visits to Israel."
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"We are a small nation, but strong."
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"First of all, Arafat is wrong. Jerusalem is Israel's capital, will never be divided, and will remain the capital of the State of Israel, the capital of the Jewish people, for ever and ever. "
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Offline serbian army

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3.5 years??
A slap on the wrist. NOT ENOUGH!
I agree, but what can you expect from them anyways? They will be eaten by muslims very soon if they do not do anything.
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline nopeaceforland

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3.5 years for attempting to murder a Jew? What do you get for attempting to kill an Arab? Life? If so, make sure it's well worth it! ;)

Offline Lewisit

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What do you get for attempting to kill an Arab? Life?

i can't tell you how many years - but when yelling "i kill you filty arab!" during that stabbing it's considered a hatecrime and you're in serious trouble!

also you sure would get nationwide news-headlines for days/weeks, german gouverment-representives openly condeming your action, demonstrations by germans & arabs against racism, etc.

to give you a glimpse of how things are here nowadays:

a few weeks ago a non-mohammedan was attacked in cologne by two arabs (with criminal records) who tried to rob him. he was handicaped (something with his eyes) and during the beating het got from them he somehow managed to get a pocketknive out and stabed (blindly, because at that point his special-glasses where already slammed from his face) in the direction of the attackers - he stabbed one of the guys only once but deadly.

there where huge arab-demonstrations in that neighborhood for days demanding him to get prosecuted for murder! luckily that didn't happen - but what happened was that he and his family had to leave his hometown cologne forever and the dead attacker is now a martyr...
had the robbing-victim during that attack for once screamed an anti-arab-insult, he would be f***ed - even if it was clearly in selfdefence!

actually in germany it's simple as that:

if the victim is a mohammedan / the attacker is a german = racist/neonazi hatecrime

if the victim is a german / the attacker is a mohammedan = "normal" brawl

if the victim is a german / the attacker is a mohammedan, but the german defends himself = could easily be a racist/neonazi hatecrime if the german wins

i live in deutsch-la-la-land...  ::)

Offline JTFFan

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3.5 years for attempting to murder a Jew? What do you get for attempting to kill an Arab? Life? If so, make sure it's well worth it! ;)

In a SSocialist country for killing an Arab, you get a raise in salary do to the pro-muSSlim sympathy and immigrants.

Offline Ulli

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What do you get for attempting to kill an Arab? Life?

i can't tell you how many years - but when yelling "i kill you filty arab!" during that stabbing it's considered a hatecrime and you're in serious trouble!

also you sure would get nationwide news-headlines for days/weeks, german gouverment-representives openly condeming your action, demonstrations by germans & arabs against racism, etc.

to give you a glimpse of how things are here nowadays:

a few weeks ago a non-mohammedan was attacked in cologne by two arabs (with criminal records) who tried to rob him. he was handicaped (something with his eyes) and during the beating het got from them he somehow managed to get a pocketknive out and stabed (blindly, because at that point his special-glasses where already slammed from his face) in the direction of the attackers - he stabbed one of the guys only once but deadly.

there where huge arab-demonstrations in that neighborhood for days demanding him to get prosecuted for murder! luckily that didn't happen - but what happened was that he and his family had to leave his hometown cologne forever and the dead attacker is now a martyr...
had the robbing-victim during that attack for once screamed an anti-arab-insult, he would be f***ed - even if it was clearly in selfdefence!

actually in germany it's simple as that:

if the victim is a mohammedan / the attacker is a german = racist/neonazi hatecrime

if the victim is a german / the attacker is a mohammedan = "normal" brawl

if the victim is a german / the attacker is a mohammedan, but the german defends himself = could easily be a racist/neonazi hatecrime if the german wins

i live in deutsch-la-la-land...  ::)

I know this story. It is true, but this is not only concerning ethnic Germans, but all other non-muslime people.

This case is the best example. The handicapped guy was from Russia.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline JTFFan

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What do you get for attempting to kill an Arab? Life?

i can't tell you how many years - but when yelling "i kill you filty arab!" during that stabbing it's considered a hatecrime and you're in serious trouble!

also you sure would get nationwide news-headlines for days/weeks, german gouverment-representives openly condeming your action, demonstrations by germans & arabs against racism, etc.

to give you a glimpse of how things are here nowadays:

a few weeks ago a non-mohammedan was attacked in cologne by two arabs (with criminal records) who tried to rob him. he was handicaped (something with his eyes) and during the beating het got from them he somehow managed to get a pocketknive out and stabed (blindly, because at that point his special-glasses where already slammed from his face) in the direction of the attackers - he stabbed one of the guys only once but deadly.

there where huge arab-demonstrations in that neighborhood for days demanding him to get prosecuted for murder! luckily that didn't happen - but what happened was that he and his family had to leave his hometown cologne forever and the dead attacker is now a martyr...
had the robbing-victim during that attack for once screamed an anti-arab-insult, he would be f***ed - even if it was clearly in selfdefence!

actually in germany it's simple as that:

if the victim is a mohammedan / the attacker is a german = racist/neonazi hatecrime

if the victim is a german / the attacker is a mohammedan = "normal" brawl

if the victim is a german / the attacker is a mohammedan, but the german defends himself = could easily be a racist/neonazi hatecrime if the german wins

i live in deutsch-la-la-land...  ::)

I know this story. It is true, but this is not only concerning ethnic Germans, but all other non-muslime people.

This case is the best example. The handicapped guy was from Russia.

It concerns all non-muSSlim people.

Offline underthesun

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there where huge arab-demonstrations in that neighborhood for days demanding him to get prosecuted for murder! luckily that didn't happen - but what happened was that he and his family had to leave his hometown cologne forever and the dead attacker is now a martyr...
had the robbing-victim during that attack for once screamed an anti-arab-insult, he would be f***ed - even if it was clearly in selfdefence!

I remember that too!
At first the leftist took part in those demonstrations too. They wanted to exploit this as a class issue - sort of: "The state doesn't care about the rights of the poorest of the poor".

But from day to day there were more and more radical muslims who didn't want to hear about social stuff. For them it was "oppression against islam".

Finally muslims brutally force the leftist away from their demonstrations. But some of those leftist didn't understand and tried to bring the socialists back. They talked about the "religious people" who are trying to hijack those demonstrations. But most leftist didn't want to go to hospital - so they stayed away.

Offline IslamIsCancer

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  • My name is Stalinashvili.
So that he can get out in 3 years and stab again.
Free Javakh!!!
I defecate on Stalin's grave.

Offline Ulli

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there where huge arab-demonstrations in that neighborhood for days demanding him to get prosecuted for murder! luckily that didn't happen - but what happened was that he and his family had to leave his hometown cologne forever and the dead attacker is now a martyr...
had the robbing-victim during that attack for once screamed an anti-arab-insult, he would be f***ed - even if it was clearly in selfdefence!

I remember that too!
At first the leftist took part in those demonstrations too. They wanted to exploit this as a class issue - sort of: "The state doesn't care about the rights of the poorest of the poor".

But from day to day there were more and more radical muslims who didn't want to hear about social stuff. For them it was "oppression against islam".

Finally muslims brutally force the leftist away from their demonstrations. But some of those leftist didn't understand and tried to bring the socialists back. They talked about the "religious people" who are trying to hijack those demonstrations. But most leftist didn't want to go to hospital - so they stayed away.

This story was great.  ;D

The leftist tried to ally with the Muslims and the Muslims beat the up.

Somewhere on the leftwing website indymedia is an article from the shocked red rats  ;D

But I doesn't know the link.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Еврей

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there where huge arab-demonstrations in that neighborhood for days demanding him to get prosecuted for murder! luckily that didn't happen - but what happened was that he and his family had to leave his hometown cologne forever and the dead attacker is now a martyr...
had the robbing-victim during that attack for once screamed an anti-arab-insult, he would be f***ed - even if it was clearly in selfdefence!

I remember that too!
At first the leftist took part in those demonstrations too. They wanted to exploit this as a class issue - sort of: "The state doesn't care about the rights of the poorest of the poor".

But from day to day there were more and more radical muslims who didn't want to hear about social stuff. For them it was "oppression against islam".

Finally muslims brutally force the leftist away from their demonstrations. But some of those leftist didn't understand and tried to bring the socialists back. They talked about the "religious people" who are trying to hijack those demonstrations. But most leftist didn't want to go to hospital - so they stayed away.

This story was great.  ;D

The leftist tried to ally with the Muslims and the Muslims beat the up.

Somewhere on the leftwing website indymedia is an article from the shocked red rats  ;D

But I doesn't know the link.

Haha... thats very believable...
thats when happens when you try to be an ally to your enemy =P

great story!  ;D
"My name is Daniel Pearl. I am a Jewish American"
"My family follows Judaism. We've made numerous family visits to Israel."
~Daniel Pearl

"We are a small nation, but strong."
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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Three comments here:

1: This piece of Islamic wildlife needs to be shot (or stabbed to death), now.

2: The Aryan Nazi judge and his entire family here need to be burned alive.

3: The rabbi, and all other Jews continuing to live in the Reich, need to be thrown away in an insane asylum for being so nuts.

Offline Еврей

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Three comments here:

1: This piece of Islamic wildlife needs to be shot (or stabbed to death), now.

2: The Aryan Nazi judge and his entire family here need to be burned alive.

3: The rabbi, and all other Jews continuing to live in the Reich, need to be thrown away in an insane asylum for being so nuts.

I agree with the first one.

Second... It was the juror's fault, in my opinion.

Third... Jews need to be in Germany so they have a voice there. So the people of Germany can see the real Jewish people, and they will know what a horrible thing the Holocaust was.
If there are no Jews in Germany... will there really be many people supportive of learning about the holocaust?
"My name is Daniel Pearl. I am a Jewish American"
"My family follows Judaism. We've made numerous family visits to Israel."
~Daniel Pearl

"We are a small nation, but strong."
~Moshe Dayan

"First of all, Arafat is wrong. Jerusalem is Israel's capital, will never be divided, and will remain the capital of the State of Israel, the capital of the Jewish people, for ever and ever. "
~Benjamin Netanyahu

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Offline Rubystars

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2: The Aryan Nazi judge and his entire family here need to be burned alive.

Why his family?

Offline Lewisit

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2: The Aryan Nazi judge and his entire family here need to be burned alive.

i don't think calling a typical liberal (who fears to make a "racist judgement") a nazi and wishing him and his family dead really helps our cause...

i wouldn't even go so far as saying the judge is really an evil person - he's probably just totally brainwashed by political-correctness

don't forget: "the mohammedans in germany today are the jews of the past" (this is what the liberals and even the jewish council teaches the germans all the time) - so please consider your point again...

3: The rabbi, and all other Jews continuing to live in the Reich, need to be thrown away in an insane asylum for being so nuts.

"reich ?!" you clearly have no clue at all what you're talking about...

with an attitude like this i'm afraid you're not part of the solution but instead part of the problem - imho we need to enlighten decent people (i'm talking about non-mohammedans of cause) instead of kicking them in the n*ts for wanting right but doing wrong out of nescience!

Offline underthesun

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Somewhere on the leftwing website indymedia is an article from the shocked red rats  ;D

But I doesn't know the link.

But I start to doubt the authenticity of this article.
I can't find anything else from "Hartwig Pruske" or the "Krefelder Präventionsrat gegen Rassismus und Gewalt".
On the other hand - no leftist has mentioned any doubts.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Are you really going to argue that the majority of Germans are just nice people who misunderstand the Nazi past and their history? If you really buy this, I feel sorry for you, and request that you bring this up to Chaim. I don't suspect that you will win the argument.

I already said that German Jews are nuts (and yeah, I do believe it that most of them consider Muslims to be like "Jews in the 1930s". Your point being?

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when it comes to average german people: please do not forget that of cause the nazi-government of the 3rd reich was german - but the people gladly helping in the holocaust were average people from nearly all of europe incl. but by far not limited to germans

so - the people of nearly every european country are still enemies? i cannot buy this - there you're right...

and btw: i'm not here to "win or lose" arguments - i'm here to connect to people regardless of their nation or faith who are willing to stand up against the new mohammedan-nazis (even when it's much more dangerous to confront these real threats that "fighting" the nazi-phantoms of the past that have been defeated & are a part of history)

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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(even when it's much more dangerous to confront these real threats that "fighting" the nazi-phantoms of the past that have been defeated & are a part of history)
I don't suspect you will last long on our forum making such anti-JTF arguments. The very fact of this thread proves that your claim here is absolutely false.

Offline syyuge

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The attacker on Rabbi should be beaten with shoes till end. >:(
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline Lewisit

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The very fact of this thread proves that your claim here is absolutely false.

yes, this thread sure proves something about germany today (it's really mindbending so i understand why people not raised on that concept have such a hard time getting it...) - but not the rise of german neonazism...

i hope i can make things clear though this: here's a list "from good to bad" or "from victim to offender" so to say - whenever there's a fight/attack, a german court will nearly always be in favour of the one that comes first in that list:

1. colored & mohammedan
2. just colored
3. jewish
4. just white
5. white & rightwing

see: the case discussed in this thread is 1./3. so it was nearly considered a case of "selfdefense" - if it where 5./3. (something that doesn't happen here and g-d forbid ever will) the attacker would fortunately rott in jail forever

I don't suspect you will last long on our forum making such anti-JTF arguments.

if living in the present really is considered anti-JTF by most people here, i'll of cause go - but that has to be proven by more than one member please?

Offline DownwithIslam

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The very fact of this thread proves that your claim here is absolutely false.

yes, this thread sure proves something about germany today (it's really mindbending so i understand why people not raised on that concept have such a hard time getting it...) - but not the rise of german neonazism...

i hope i can make things clear though this: here's a list "from good to bad" or "from victim to offender" so to say - whenever there's a fight/attack, a german court will nearly always be in favour of the one that comes first in that list:

1. colored & mohammedan
2. just colored
3. jewish
4. just white
5. white & rightwing

see: the case discussed in this thread is 1./3. so it was nearly considered a case of "selfdefense" - if it where 5./3. (something that doesn't happen here and g-d forbid ever will) the attacker would fortunately rott in jail forever

I don't suspect you will last long on our forum making such anti-JTF arguments.

if living in the present really is considered anti-JTF by most people here, i'll of cause go - but that has to be proven by more than one member please?

Are you nuts? Germany is right now the number one trade partner of Iran in the western world. Do you really believe that German courts would at all rule in favor of a jew? Germany is drek and must be boycotted.
I am urinating on a Koran.