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Ask JTF For Erev Yom Yerushalayim, Sunday, June 1.

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Dr. Dan:
Shalom Chaim

I have a deep question this week so I'll word it as well as possible:

In the Adam and Eve story, Gd only proclaimed that they should not eat from a certain tree.  When the serpeant came along, it said, "Does anything happen when you even touch the fruit?"  From that point it led to Adam and Eve eating from the tree.

First, I wonder when Eve touched the forbidden fruit, she ate it because she was tempted by the feeling of the fruit, or if she realized nothing came of touching it and therefore, eating it would cause no punishment.  

Now, in the Talmud, the rabbis recommended that we build "fences around the Torah  and sanctify them" in order to prevent temptation of breaking any commandments. However, it seems that some religious Jews wish that those very fences become commandments and not simply recommendations.  Do you think that it is a very likely potential that a "serpeant" might come along and do the same thing it did to Adam and Eve?  That is, to tempt a fellow religious Jew in crossing his fence and causing him to sin?  How would you go about showing religious and non religious Jews about the beauty of these fences without making it like they will die, Gd forbid, if they decide to create a different one for themselves?  

Thank you

Dr. Dan

Shalom Chaim,

Why are so many college professors politically correct far left BolsheviKKKs? In some colleges, black professors teach black African American studies, and talk about how the white man is "to blame and inferior", I'm shocked they allow this type of Afrocentric rhetoric, nonsense and propaganda, as some other places wouldn't have tolerated these studies particularly in the South a long time ago. Chaim, we need to bring back colleges to a moral, righteous and conservative education system.

G-d Bless,


Ben Yehuda:
Dear Chaim,

It seems that Smolmert is going to end up resigning as PM and that PeePee will come to power again. For some strange reason Israel ends up forfeiting land only when the so-called conservatives are in power [i.e., Begin and Sharon] and not when the socialists are in power. Can you comment on this phenomenon?

Thank you again and best regards,

Ben Yehuda

Noar HaGvaot:
It seems unfair that you do such an admirable job for Israel and Israel doesn't allow you to enter your own homeland even for a brief visit.  Do you ever get exasperated and think, "they are ungrateful and 'to heck' with them and this whole thing" and do you ever consider doing something else for the rest of your life?

Hello Brother Chaim,

We have seen all of us in our lifetime this world wide Jihad where anywhere in the world Islam has put its feet in has been nothing but bloodshed, terror and the most ignorant obsessive barbarism on the face of the Earth and yet all countries who have seen what Islam is about refuse to throw these Muslims out and bulldoze the mosques and madrassas?  They are the ones that are causing every problems in the world right now and everyone is afraid of offending them.  I don't understand what is this insane suicidal need to appease to these vicious beasts who want to see everyone of us dead and yet the west wants to play and kiss their rears?


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