Save Western Civilization > Save America

Hispanic gang terrorizes neighborhood, forces blacks out

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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Where is the media, which is so quick to call every anti-affirmative action measure or effort racist, when blacks are attacked by Hispanics?

It's okay for Hispanics to be racist, but not for whites to attack racism within the system>


--- Quote from: fjack on January 12, 2007, 04:42:54 PM ---We are being overtaken by a brown horde from the south that is unstopable, unyeilding and procreates at such a rate that the white people of American is doomed.  Just think what will happen when the darkies ask the mexs for reparations. I can't wait for that.

--- End quote ---


The blacks don't realize how good they've had it here in America 'under whitey'.

The Mexicans won't fall for that racial racketeering stuff like the Whites have.

Now they know how white people feel when the 'complexion' of the area changes. The shootings, rape and robberies. When don't they call jesse and al to negociate a peace treaty will the waring factions, to instill a sense of brotherhood, to show how much they have in common, to point out their common enemy (whites) and to start a process to let 'the healing begin'. Don't hold your breath for that, there is no money in it.


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