Save Western Civilization > Save America

Applying to Medical Schools in America (ridiculous)

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same thing here in Israel. you can be Jewish and study hard in school, and not be accepted to university because some mediocre arab student had to be accepted due to the diversity policy. if not this stupid policy, which prefers arabs over Jews, we would have about 3 arabs in my faculty, and not having 25% or more arabs studying in the "Technion", lowering its level and filling the toilet booths with antisemitic writings... believe it or not, thats what going on in the so called Jewish state.  >:(

NeverMore, I don't doubt a word of it. All the more amazing then how many wonderful discoveries Technion manages to produce, to the benefit of the entire world.
Were there no Arabs in Technion, only Jews, one can only imagine how much more brilliance would come out of there!

Who has more potential to kill someone due to malpractice: a black, a hispanic or an arab muslim?


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