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--- Quote from: Raede on June 02, 2008, 03:18:26 AM ---I've been hating on Obama for quite a while now and came across this site in my searches.  Turns out I agree with a lot of what is said here.

I'm majoring in Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies at USC and I'm going to be studying at Hebrew U in Jerusalem next year.

I also have a weblog I run with some friends, called Resolution181.  Most of my destruction of Obama can be found there, as well as news and opinions on Israeli and American politics.  Link is in my signature.

I look forward to visiting here more often and getting more involved.

--- End quote ---

Reade, I would hope the only reason you are studying arabic is to be able to use it against the muzzies. I wish I knew arabic so I could go on their sites and raise hell.


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