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Ask JTF For June 15 Broadcast
Dear Chaim, what is your opinion on the British scientist, Stephen Hawking?
Some people claim he's the smartest person in the world. Is this true?
Ben Yehuda:
Dear Chaim,
At what age would you deem it appropriate to teach one's children about the Holocaust, for instance showing them documentaries or movies like "Schindler's List"?
Shalom and G-d bless,
Ben Yehuda.
Hello Chaim,
Recently I've watched a clip about the horrific things that took place in the school in Beslan four years ago.
Can you say a few words about the Chechnya conflict and judge the role/behaviour of Russia?
Thanks as always,
Noar HaGvaot:
Kosher slaughter of meat is designed to inflict as little pain on the animal as possible. I recently saw a video on YouTube of a kosher slaughter at the largest Glatt Kosher slaughterhouse in the world, Agriprocessors, Inc. of Postville, Iowa, where the cattle screamed a full three minutes while it bled to death. Non-kosher slaughter has the animal electrocuted or undergoing percussion to the brain to render the animal unconscious but alive before slaughter. Why couldn't something like this be employed prior to ritual slaughter and still be Halachically acceptable as Glatt Kosher?
Yacov adds: The animal dies instantly and what you think is the animal screaming is the reaction of membranes after it is already dead just like in non-kosher slaughter when a chicken runs around after being beheaded. Jewish slaughter doesn't cut the head off until after the animal is already dead and the blood drains out.
Hello Chaim,
There are 150,000 Armenians in Lebanon working, paying taxes, founding small businesses and improving the economy of an Islamic country.
It is also estimated that there are 200,000 Armenians in Syria who are the descendants of the 1915 genocide survivors.
What can be done to get those people out of those Islamic countries and make them settle in Armenia where we could use their population and industrious power and there will be no danger of intermarrying with Muslims? They also tend to be antisemitic because of prolonged Arab brainwashing.
Even the Lebanese Civil War and Israeli Lebanese War didn't make them want to leave, they just WANT TO STAY THERE as if it's their homeland.
But the truth is they don't belong there, it's not their country, it's a foreign Islamic country and they have a real homeland that lacks in population.
What would you do if you were in my situation to get those people out of there and make them settle in their REAL homeland?
I'm asking you because I know that Jews have a similar problem with Iranian Jews and Jews in other Islamic countries that don't want to move to Israel where they belong.
Also, what do you think of The Armenians in The Old City of Jerusalem? They also fled after the 1915 Turkish Muslim Nazi genocide.
Thanks for your suggestions.
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