PI is reporting:
Turk beats his wife to death with a crutch
"Where is the problem", will argue the leftist accessaries of the immigrated patriarchs. "Among us is inner familial violence too." How different is the attitude in the Turkish and Arab community in the former free government under the law - Germany. There men like to gloat over the beating and raping of their wifes.
May leftists and greens feel this is an enrichment, for us it is barbarism. In Munich a 32 year old Turk beat his 24 year old wife to death.
>>> [Quote of the Munich Evening newspaper]
A 32 year old Turk has confessed to have beaten his wife with acrutch to dead. The man has called on Sunday forenoon the fire department and declared, that his wife has fallen down in the flat. The emergency service noticed in the flat a lot of spots of blood. Besides the bed lay the unclothed dead body of his wife. On the dead body were a lot of bruises and traumas of the skin. The emergency services called the police.
The homicide division took over the investigation. Apparently the offender has beaten massive on the head and the upper part of the body, until she was nonsentient. After that he let in the first instance his victim be lain on the ground, went to a gas station and bought cigarrettes. After he has come back, he claims, that he has cared about his wife, dealed with the wounds on the head and called after hours at last the emergency service. The attouney applied for a warrent, because of homicide.
The bruises, which were all over the body of the dead woman, indicate a longer martyrium. The fact, that the attourney don't applied for a warrent, because of murder but because of homicide, makes the fear justified, that here will be investigated again, in favour of the offender.