Author Topic: ULTIMATE WARRIOR WORKOUT !  (Read 6203 times)

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« on: June 01, 2008, 03:48:06 AM »

Offline Americanhero1

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« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2008, 12:15:37 PM »
Yeah so he still is a big guy why was this posted in guns and self defense section

Offline q_q_

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« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2008, 04:55:13 PM »
Yeah so he still is a big guy why was this posted in guns and self defense section

Because defending yourself well involves good strength, and good fighting skills. And a warrior mentality helps. We have some warrior fans here too at JTF. He was a popular guy in the 80s.

Offline Americanhero1

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« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2008, 04:57:41 PM »
Yeah i am fan of his the big news with him is he wants to return to the WWE
Being strong is great but it depends on how you gain the muscle

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« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2008, 04:59:56 PM »
Yeah i am fan of his the big news with him is he wants to return to the WWE
Being strong is great but it depends on how you gain the muscle

He most certainly would not want to return to the WWE, or have anything to do with it.

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« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2008, 05:01:49 PM »
Yeah i am fan of his the big news with him is he wants to return to the WWE
Being strong is great but it depends on how you gain the muscle

He most certainly would not want to return to the WWE, or have anything to do with it.

They are talking about him coming to Wrestlemania to have a match with Vince

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« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2008, 06:46:59 PM »
Yeah i am fan of his the big news with him is he wants to return to the WWE
Being strong is great but it depends on how you gain the muscle

He most certainly would not want to return to the WWE, or have anything to do with it.

They are talking about him coming to Wrestlemania to have a match with Vince

who is "they"?
"They" also claimed that there was more than one ultimate warrior.

Alot of people don't like him and more people spin stories. 

Warrior had a court case against the WWF/WWE, over rights to his name, and Warrior won.  They made a video against warrior called "Self destruction of the ultimate warrior". The Warrior is now a very very strongly principled conservative, and wants nothing to do with the WWE, because he disagrees with the values it promotes, he disagrees with teir business ethics. And Warrior does not compromise those values.  If you read anything on his website, or heard him speak, then you'd know that.

He is returning to anoter wrestling organisation.. And I don't know how permanently either. A wrestling organisation that he doesn't have issues with.  If he had issues with the organisation, he would not go there.  He doesn't sell out.

Last time he went to the now finished WCW, he lectured hogan about his adolescent behaviour, and bored the hell out of fans! His goals don't mesh with WWE.

He is returning to the ring. But to an organisation called NWE.

Offline Americanhero1

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« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2008, 07:46:20 PM »
Jim Ross talked about it on one of his blogs also a couple of wrestlers said he was planning a comeback

Offline Americanhero1

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« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2008, 08:07:43 PM »
He had a court case so he could use his name outside the US

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« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2008, 09:40:17 PM »
If you want to know what he is up to, then you can either read what he writes and listen to what he says.

Or you can read and listen to other people.. and in your case, reading people that are against him. You mention Jim Ross. He appeared on a DVD called "The self destruction of the ultimate warrior".

If the 2 contradict each other, you can use your brain to see who to read.

But let's not get into a dumb discussion about this.   Wrestling goings on and politics is not interesting..  It's just a rising death toll.

The point is  one can enjoy the youtube video, and see the Warrior training like a savage, at 49!

Didn't look healthy though, at one point it looks like he is staring death in the eyes.

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« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2008, 04:37:29 AM »
actually.. this is quite interesting..

I just heard this very thought provoking interview..

This is not so much about working out anymore, but generally about Life..
and Mentality..
So, still relevant as a JTF subject.. And even relevenat to the self-defence section, because it talks about bad people..

He has changed his views.. and did mention in this interview that he would like a match with vince mcmahon.. He explains the thinking behind it and his attitude towards it, in this fantastic interview

He says he doesn't judge people piecemeal.. So, taking an extreme example. If somebody is very benevolent, but is a pedophile, he will judge them badly..
now it seems he takes a bit of a piecemeal view..
McMahon will treat the wrestlers badly, but at least he's honest about it (warrior says!). I think he means it won't come as a suprise, you know what you get with him.  He's not a phony. He would rather people are candid, even if it means candid that they'll take as much as they can get e.t.c. and he says Vince is.

He mentioned that the talent/wrestlers, used to create their own characters, but now they force characters on them, tell them what to say, and so the characters are not as strong as they were.

He says he's come to think alot differently about the co-operations, their co-operate image and guys in 3 piece suits, and the lousy personalities they are.
The compromise he is willing to make, is to accept Vince for the kind of person that he is.. He has done some bad things.. But he thinks you have to admire him for setting up the successful company that he has.

When asked if there would be any cash consideration.. Warrior said something very interesting (bare in mind that he is already wealthy, but that he also probably doesn't consider money to be the most important thing in the world)..

He says he always says to people in any business deal.. It's not about the money, and it is about the money.   Look, it's always about the money, but it's not like it's the primary thing.  If I say here it's not about the money, then that opens the door to them saying "well just come back for free" or that "we'll just pay you very little".  It is about the money, it's about understanding your  value. If you wanted to work in the market place, or were exploring other opportunities, or the station you worked with wanted to let you go, then you gotta take the experience you have, recognise the value of it, and exploit it at some other place to get the pay you deserve.
But at hte same time, it's not about the money,  (not about the fame, celebrity, ), that's not what makes him tick. It's about the challenge, the creativity. So it's not mostly or only or primarily, about the money part of it.

At the same time though, he says his handshake means something, and he refused to give it to Vince the last time Vince offered it.. And he is disgusted by how these guys behave , talking badly about one another, stabbing one another in the back, doing everything to destroy one another's personal integrity. And then when they cross paths with one another, they're all kissy huggy.
When asked if it's because it's "just business nothing personal" Warrior said, -no.. because most of these guys even whether they're not working anymore, they sitll do it-. They're cowards on the inside(I guess he might mean they are strong on the outside) - but not standing up for what they believe. They haven't developed their integrity.  They are weak minded, and that's why they act the way they do.  They act the way they do in order to strike fear into other people...[they cut him off]..

He did say that he doesn't want to meet up with hogan, 'cos hogan said some things about him that weren't true..

I guess his philosophy is that his relationship with McMahon would be business. And he would shake hands to that.

It would have been interesting to hear what he had to say about people who are cowards on the insdie and try to strike fear into other people.. I can't imagine that he would have run into it personally.  Because I think they would do it to people who they think would -not- fight them or even push them.  Hence they only do it to those who they think are physically weaker than them. Or are too "nice" to respond. If they were even physically pushed, they wouldn't do it.  They do it to maintain a tough image, to be respected.  It's interesting what he said about them being cowards on the inside..

Reminds me of a person like that.. though this one was not tough on the outside.. Though he acted like he was.. and tried to strike fear into people who he thought would not respond. He did it because it made him look good or feel better about himself if he felt he could intimidate people..
He was too wimpy to actually fight people. He would threaten sometimes, and if to his suprise, they responded, then he would increase the threat ridiculously saying he'd bring knives and all his friends e.t.c.  Just because these were last resorts to get the other person to back down.  If the other person agreed, he would not turn up anyway.  The other person could actually call his bluff, not turn up, come back to school, and say "WHERE WERE YOU?" and this idiot would make up a lie on the spot , that he was there with all his friends and saw him standing there like an idiot.. Or that he thought you m eant meet -outside-, and you must have been inside.
If anybody he had tried to intimidate had just responded verbally - insulting him- in front of people(alot of people, his friends, and neutral people, and rif-raf), calling him a piece of garbage - in front of them-, it would have stopped him..  Or pushed him, in front of everybody, it would have stopped him.
This guy did it to look tough in front of others - without having to fight 'cos he was really a wimp physically.   Any response that undermined that, just showing him disrespect, would have stopped him.  One time I was nasty to him, he actually apologised to me afterwards for what he had said to me. Then he started again, 'cos I was nice, and that was a mistake..
Be cruel to the cruel, and Kind to the kind.

I actually saw the a-hole recently, in synagogue on yom kippur, of all places and times!  I sat behind him and stared.. He was with a friend.. But I outstared both of them.. Made him feel very uncomfortable..  and his friend..His friend tried staring back.. I stared through him and he turned around.  They tried staring at me.. But it wasn't working, I actually got pleasure from it maybe 'cos I am not ashamed of who I am.  But these guys they got uncomfortable.. maybe because they are cowards inside, in that subconsciously, they felt I was seeing through them, and their non-existant principles.  Or maybe it was purely because I was undermining their image.
And the interesting thing was.. During the whole service, they were chattering and one was telling the other "Hey, look at her(over the curtain)... Look she can see us.. Look, she's embarassed" They were doing to others exactly what they don't like.  And they do it not as a response to somebody bad.. But because they are bad..  Of course, I know the things this guy has said or done to people  , and he is far nastier than playing silly games.  I've seen him shouting cripple at a girl in a wheelchair. He's a liar and a thief.. Fortunately he's not very capable mentally or physically..