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Ask JTF For February 11 Broadcast

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What I meant was what is the title of your career. You once said you work for a living and so I'm interested to know what that is. I won't be offended if you don't want to share that information.

What do you think of Dr. Mossadegh, his oil nationalization of Iran, and the 1953 CIA coup of him and his government and the restoration of the Shah? Do you think an Islamic Revolution would have taken place if it weren't for the coup?


What is your opinion on the actor Bill Cosby?  He has several times gone against his own black people on violence, drugs, and prostitution.

I know you don't like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, but what about Rosa Parks?  She was just a average citizen who wouldn't give up her seat to a white man. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

Hello Chaim,

I wanted to ask this question a few weeks ago but didn't get a chance to. My 6 year old nephew is at that age where he wants to be like all young boys to play sports such as basketball and baseball.  He sees this as a game of course at his age, but as he gets older I don't think his father which happens to be my brother to basically idolizing professional sports athletes cause many that has so much money offered still act like uncivilized baboons.  I read the story of Joe DiMaggio how here were athletes who had the heart for country before the game of baseball they loved to play.  I mean you have players like Daryl Strawberry and I am sure we all know about him.  Especially those in the NY area.  And the black football and basketball players we hear they end up with either drug or weapons charges, and or wife beatings.  The most famous one of all O.J. A former football star with endorsements turning to wife killer.
How can myself as this boy's Uncle, or his parents try to ease him about these people even though he wants to play as all young boys do we also do not want to isolate him completely of what young boys do.  Any suggestions on this?

Thank you.  For this and everyweek for the answers.

Chaim, do you think that Jews should get arrested for Pollard in the US?  Yukutiel says that he's planning on doing civil disobedience in Israel for Pollard.  Update: He got arrested.

Hello Chaim,
I asked a question last week, but it seems you misunderstood what I meant exactly and could you please readdress it. I was not trying to say that whenever you speak honestly about blacks you are being racist and that that in itself is veering off point. What I am saying is that sometimes when you are talking honestly about blacks, which I think you should continue to do, you step over lines into racism and generalisations. In other words stick to concrete facts about blacks and lose the Aunt Jemima-isms. All people are intrinsically equal before G-d, but some render themselves funtionally inferior/superior by their behavior. It is my opinion that the message of this organisation will be compramised and it's power weakened if your PRESENTATION of this subject does not more carefully distinguish between the two. My second point is that in regards to something you said last week inresponse to someone else, as bible believing Christians we believe in one G-d in 3 persons, not 3 seperate G-ds. That might seem like word-play on the surface but it's really not. 3 persons in one Godhead relates to differences in funtionality. Are not a husband and wife one flesh after marriage, intrinsically equal as people before G-d but functionally there is a headship difference? We believe that marriage is a earthly example we have that helps us understand that higher concept. It is offensive to suggest we[christians] worship multiple G-ds, though I know you didn't mean it that way and love you just the same!! Allen-T


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