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Ask JTF For February 11 Broadcast

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Dear Chaim,

1. I truly believe if Rabbi Kahane zt'l had had a minyan of people your equal he would have been succesful in making Israel a truly Jewish state.

2. Did the JDL have a youth group? If so were you involved in running it?

   I'm toying at the idea of having Kippot made(I'm still looking for a good price) that say:

This Kippa provided to you
by and
Take Back Our Temple Mount
Please Take One Home

   The first thing I'm doing is asking for your permission. The second is what are your thoughts about this idea. The way it appears so far, I'm going to have to order 5 or 6 dozen. I plan to place about five in every orthodox Beit Knesset that has a Kippa Box. I also plan to leave a few on the sinks at the Kosher restuarants. If I have any left over, I will send them to you. What are your thoughts? Is there any particular color that you want me to order if the choice is available?

Shalom Chaim and a very good week to you and the punters.       First question: I hope you can help me. I need your advice – I have a lecture and seminar coming up which is part of my module, entitled: “ISLAM: TRADITIONAL BELIEF, POLITICAL REVIVALISM, ACTIVISM AND FANATICISM” and really don’t want to attend what will be most likely a sick, politically correct dribble-drabble lesson.
     Second question or comment: It is a middle east course and these following topics form part of it: “ZIONISM: ITS ORIGINS AND CONTINUING IMPORTANCE”, “NATIONALISM: ARAB, IRANIAN AND JEWISH” ,”ORIGINS OF THE ISRAELI/PALESTINIAN CONFLICT & PEACE INITIATIVES”, “THE UNITED STATES & THE MIDDLE EAST” & “THE POLITICS OF OIL”. Should I go to the first on mentioned at the beginning? Thanking you in advance. Shalom ulhistameah.

Who is the fellow next to the Rav?


I'm going to be writing a paper for one of my law school courses about Islam and its dangers. Maybe one day it will be published in major news publications.

I would like to use the Gallup poll you have mentioned several times which showed that 97% of Saudis supported the 9-11 attacks. I've looked and looked on the internet to try to find this poll, but I was unsuccesful. I need to cite it, if I can use it.

Do you know where I can find this poll?

Thanks in advance.


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