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Ask JTF For February 11 Broadcast

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Dear Chaim is it right to call the so called Israeli govt dirty kike kapos

Chaim:  What was your Bar Mitzvah like?   What do you think of Jewish families who spend 10's of thousands of dollars at Leonard's of Great Neck on a Bar Mitzvah reception?   I heard that evil corporate raider Saul Steinberg rented out the QEII for his demonic son Jonathan's reception.  It is just a rumor but is this seeming overindulgence consistent with torah Judaism?

Christian Zionist:
Shalom Chaim,

Why do some Jews hate the first century historian Flavius Josephus?  Does his book series Antiquities of the Jews contradict the Tanak and Talmud?  Also some people claim that Josephus made some positive comments about Jesus. However some scholars dispute that Josephus referred to another Jesus who is not the Jesus who is worshipped by Christians and his alleged references to Jesus were deliberately mistranslated. I have also heard about people saying the Emperor Constantine (3rd century) ordered to abduct Flavious Josephes and force him to write positive things about Christianity but they lived almost 200 years apart. What is your opinion?


Christian Zionist

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Shalom Chaim,

A: What do you think of, and can you offer any advice to, international Kahanists who want to volunteer on kibbutzim? I know full well that the majority of kibbutzim are socialistic, left-wing, and secular, but the fact remains that this is the easiest and most affordable way for the average person to truly taste Israel, learn some Hebrew and pick up the culture, and forge some friendships over there.

B: Do you believe that Nellie the Weasel survived the Holocaust by being a Judenrat kapo? I was inspired to ask this by a thread here about the Weasel and wondered why this hasn't seemed to cross anyone's mind so far. He certainly exhibits kapo-like behavior today, so I would not at all be surprised if he was a guard at the gas chambers of Auschwitz.


Yacov Menashe's insert: You ignorned this post of Norman's last week.

1) Do you believe parents or teachers should hit or spank children? And if so under what circumstances and up to what age? And would you hit your children?

2) Do you believe intelligent life or any life exists in the Universe besides Earth? Do you believe there is or ever was bacteria on Mars? What is your opinion on sending astronauts to Mars?


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