The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Nazi Moron Attacks David and Solomon
This Nazi moron called the thread: "The Superior Virtue of Mohammed to David and Solomon". I changed the title to something more fitting.
first let me state my foundational belief: that Islam is the spiritual offshoot of Judaism's rejection of Christ. as you probably know, the approximately 50% of the Jewish nation who rejected Christ did so because He did not fit their image of a conquering Davidic King. (Some historians estimate that, after the Romans suppressed the Bar Kochba rebellion in 135 AD, up to 50% of the Jews surviving in Palestine and the west had become followers of Christ.) Muhammad does fit this image, and he came onto the stage of world history as a challenge to the Jews, as though G-d said: "You wanted a conquering warrior king? here he is and his name is Muhammad. now submit!"
i believe that if you examine the evidence of Muhammad's life carefully and objectively, it is obvious that he was a conquering religious figure very much in the tradition of the great israelite warrior kings of the Tanach. in fact it is clear to me that Muhammad was far more ethical and moral than either of Israel's two greatest Kings: David and Solomon. David, revered to this day by Christians and Jews alike, had far more blood on his hands than did Muhammad, and Solomon had far more wives. in fact to even compare them is an insult to Muhammad's integrity.
to the extent that Christians admire these Tanach warrior kings, and to the extent the Jews to this day aspire to return to those days of Judaistic glory, Islam indeed is a legitimate religion. in fact it is a far superior religion to Tanach Judaism, and it is a more comprehensive form of theocracy than New Testament Christianity.
furthermore, Mr. Sina should be aware that throughout Jewish history, since the time of Muhammad, rabbinical scholars have been most complimentary towards Islam, regarding it as a pure monotheistic faith of a much higher degree than Christianity, which Jewish rabbis continue to view as a form of idolatry. for example, religious jews are allowed to pray inside a mosque, while they are not even allowed to stand inside a church. this is a further indication that, from the rabbinic perspective, Islam not only is a credible religion, but it is the ONLY such credible religion in the world apart from Judaism.
regarding the threadbare accusations that Muhammad was a pederast, well let Mr. Sina and his ilk explain the Jewish rabbinic claim that Isaac married Rebecca when she was 3 years old, and that David seduced Bathsheba when she was 7 years old! so if you want to accuse Muhammad of pederasty, at least be consistent and level the same accusation against these revered Tanach figures. but i know Mr. Sina likely cannot do that, because neither Christians nor Jews are able to see the beam in their own eyes even as they castigate Islam over its own very small splinter.
in my experience, so called Judeo Christianity rails against Islam for one of two reasons: either it is jealous of spiritual achievements made by Islam that they have failed to do themselves, or it projects its own evils onto Islam.
consider the mode of Islamic worship: barefoot and in prostration before the LORD. Jews used to worship this way long ago in the Jerusalem Temple, but since its destruction by the Romans no more. in fact i was once expelled from a synagogue in israel for the crime of removing my shoes during worship! (i was told this was imitating a pagan practice, and when i queeried them about Moses at the burning bush, they said that they have places in psychiatric hospitals for people who ask things like that!)
or consider Moslem dress. any Christian who watches a Hollywood Biblical film will see actors dressed exactly as Muslims dress today. in a film that is quaint, but in real life they have only enmity for the Moslems.
or consider the recent attack on Islamic violence by the Pope, who conveniently forgot to mention Christendom's own bloody history, which far suprasses anything every perpetrated in Islam.
examples such as these (and there are many many more) demonstrate that most Judeo-Christian critics of Islam are shallow and shameful hypocrites.
Profesor Depew,
i'm glad you asked this question, because most christians just let the comments pass with scarcely a raised eyebrow!
in today's climate in which christians are goaded on by jews to villify islam, i find that a bit more understanding of rabbinics would lend a lot of needed sobriety to the overall situation.
it is patently dishonest to criticize Muhammad for ills or sins that the leading Tanach figures themselves indulged in or were guilty of, and about which neither jews nor christians have scarcely a condemning word to say!
mark gabriel's book comparing Jesus and Muhammad therefore is polemical and idealogical, rather than balanced. the fact is that Judaism always has viewed Islam more charitably than it has viewed Christianity. the great rabbis all regard Islam as a true Monotheistic Faith, while they view Christianity as a kind of hybrid between Monotheism and Idolatry. the Jewish legal codes forbid a Jew from even entering into a Catholic or Orthodox Church, due to the iconic art that venerates Jesus, to say nothing of worshipping there. However a Jew is permitted to worship inside a mosque.
the rabbis have never had a negative word to say about the violence of Islam, considering it instead to be God's means of driving idolatry out of the world. only the recent creation of the zionist israeli state has caused conflict with Islam for which there is no theological or historical precedent in Jewish-Moslem relations since the time of Muhammad.
in my view the spiritual root of Islam is the Jewish rejection of Christ as a suffering servant Messiah in favour of their dream of a conquering Davidic-King. Muhammad in every respect fits the bill of an Tanach warrior king. in fact it is clear to anyone who studies his life that Muhammad was much more ethical in his personal and religious behaviour than either of the most famous Israelite Kings: David or Solomon. Muhammad had far fewer wives and concubines than both of these famous OT personalities. He was more popular with his people. He did not impose burdensome taxation. He unified Arabia, rather than dividing it as Solomon did to his kingdom. And he successfully rooted out all idolatry from the region.
another curious thing about the so called Judeo-Christian-Zionist alliance is that it ignores the fact that Islam is much more reverential to Jesus than Judaism is. while Islam terms Jesus a prophet and Messiah, who was born of the Word of God to the Virgin Mary, Judaism calls Him a magician and sorceror, born illegitimately to His mother a whore. and while Islam denies that Christ was crucified and raised from the dead, claiming instead that He was raptured to heaven like the Prophet Elijah, Judaism fairly gloats in the shameful crucifixion He received and also denies the Resurrection. Muhammad based these ideas on the doctrines of Nestorians and other Christian sects that were prevalent in the Arabian Peninsula at that time. He also received instruction from Jewish rabbis, particularly after he moved to Medina in the hijjra.
so the current posture of "Judeo-Christianity" that castigates Islam as the anti Christ religion is simply polemical and idealogical, and it stems from a marriage of convenience based on mutual economic and political benefit. this can hardly be termed a marriage; it is much more a tryst or a fornication. and it is the shame of American Christianity, which has forsaken so many of its principles in order to curry pecuniary favour with Jewish Zionist organizations. American Christianity can no longer serve as an honest broker of human dispute or an honest propagater of the Truth of the Gospel. its determination to fornicate with Zionist idealogy has made contemptible the entire Christian religion. it has mocked Christ's sacrifice and spilled His blood afresh.
it also is clear that the Jewish denial that Jesus is the great seed from the line of Isaac, as Paul writes in Galatians, has led to Islam's denial that Isaac's seed was blessed in this unique way at all. as a reflection of Jewish contempt for Christ, Islam has shown contempt to Isaac, claiming rather that the true Prophetic Blessings went from Ishmael to Muhammad.
thus Islam seems to be a double product of Jewish opposition to Christ: it reflects Jewish desire for a conquering Davidic King and Jewish disdain of Isaac's seedline.
i believe that when the Jews come to accept the holiness of Jesus' birth and ministry, then Moslems will come to recognize the holiness of His death on the Cross and His resurrection.
this answer on an internet question forum summarizes what i believe to be the accurate and balanced view of Muhammad:
Prophet Muhammad (May ALLAH ALMIGHTY Exalt His Mention) Married Life:
- up to age 25, celibate
- 25-54, married to one woman, who died when he was 50
- 54-60, multiple wives - after 60, no new wives
Note: he only married women, besides his first wife, for one of two reasons...
1) he married widows of slain warriors. (he once married 3 opposition widows)
2) to make alliances w/opposing tribes
There are difference of opinion of scholars regarding the age of Aisha (pbuh) at the time of her marriage with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), some say 9 , Some say 12 and some say 15. The exact age is not confirmed.
Likewise, the Christian scholars have discrepancy of opinion regarding the age of Mary (pbuh) at the time of birth of Jesus (pbuh), some say 14 , and some say 16.
Aisha pbuh was reached at the age of puberty when she married prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Islam says that anyone can marry when he or she reaches his or her puberty. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) married with Aisha (pbuh) by her will. Aishah was most pleased with this marriage. Her parents were very pleased with this marriage.
The incident took place 1400 years ago in warm climate region. It should be noted that in the hot regions, it’s normal for a girl to attain maturity at a very early age, India, Saudi Arabia and, other equatorial countries. Even today in these countries, there are cases reported of early maturity. Thus the case is totally different from that which does exist in cold regions where a girl does not attain puberty before 21 [Physicians maintain that the age of puberty in hot regions normally ranges from 9 to 16].
Remember, Isaac (at 40) married Rebekah (the mother of Jacob and Esau), when she was three.
"According to the Midrash, Rebeccah was 3 years old when Abraham sent his loyal servant Eliezer to his family's homeland in Aram-Naharayim to find a wife for Isaac."
How old was Mary when Jesus was born?
How old was Marry when Jesus was born?
How Many wives did Solomon have?, Avraham, Jacob, David, Moses or AH-MOSES, joseph ...etc (May ALLAH Exalt Their Mention)?.
following is a letter i sent to Mark Gabriel, who purports to be an Egyptian Moslem convert to Christianity, who wrote a very polemical book denouncing Islam and praising Christianity. i sent comments to him about his claims, to which he never responded:
this book by egyptian christian convert, Mark Gabriel, is a very thoughtful comparison of the teachings of Jesus and Muhammad. however, mr. gabriel betrays some bias in how he presents the evidence without taking account of the historical circumstances behind each man's era.
i wish to ask some questions of the author that will give him, and us his readers, a more objective view.
let me begin by stating outright my view that Islam is the spiritual offspring of the Jews' rejection of Jesus Christ - the Suffering Servant - in favour of an anticipated conquering Davidic King. in my view Muhammad was exactly that: such a conquering King. Like David, he endured suffering and shame, escaped into exile, proved himself a masterful diplomat and general, and heard from the Voice of God. like David, for whom neither Christians nor Jews make any apologies, Muhammad lived in bloody times and his hands were full of blood. and like David he had numerous wives, but fewer than David and far fewer than his son, Solomon, for both of whom neither Christians nor Jews make any apologies.
(a more objective consideration of Muhammad's life is written by Karen Armstrong, who left the Roman Catholic Church and has drawn closer to Judaism:
however mr. gabriel's book is a superior treatment of the comparative theologies.)
most evangelical Christians fail to realize that Judaism honours Islam, despite its bloody history, far more than it honours Christianity. Famous Jewish scholars, such as Maimonides, have written that Islam is a true monotheistic faith, while Christianity at best is a hybrid of monotheism and idolatry. Jews traditionally have viewed Islam as God's conquering sword, driving idolatry out of the world, which is exactly how Muhammad viewed his legacy. it is only with the creation of the modern zionist state of israel that Jews have any serious bone to pick with Islam. but on purely theological grounds Judaism has nothing but admiration for Islam.
The only thing I understand from reading all this is that you are trying to drive a wedge between christians and jews... BTW david and solomon did not found a religion. That fact alone nullifies your entire argument. Please find a more intellegent argument before attempting to bash jews and christians. It makes islam look even more stupid than it already is...
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