The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Nazi Moron Attacks David and Solomon

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I agree with Yakov.  The Talmud is holy. 

Shalom Yacov, you are 100% correct and I am 100% incorrect.  Thank you for assisting me...  I have asked the Rabbi and he says all three are Holy but the Jerusalem Talmud was earlier and over ruled by the Babylonian Talmud.  Thanks brother.. ;)


--- Quote ---after 1948 and especially 1967, which seemed like a miraculous victory, many orthodox jews grudgingly accepted the legitamacy of zionism. the Naturei karta of today are the holdouts from that period. see the book Em HaBanim Samaycha to read about how former anti zionist jews turned around after 1948.
--- End quote ---
CohenChai, Eim Habanim Semeicha was written during the Holocaust, the author Rav Teichtal, came to the realization that he had never actually analyzed the Torah position of Eretz Yisrael but had blindly followed the Satmar Rav because of the Satmar Rav's greatness. So Rav Teichtal went through every Torah source regarding Eretz Yisrael and came to the conclusion that Zionism, even secular Zionism was the correct path. I recommened every Jew read this amazing Sefer. No one but Rav Teichtal has gone into the depth of the Torah to find out how we should behave with Eretz Yisrael except this Rav.

Also, you are mistaken that almost all of Yerushalayim opposed Rav Kook that is anti-Zionist revisionist history, the truth is almost no one outside of Yerushalyim opposed Rav Kook, even in the city he had at least a large minority and possibly a majority of Orthodox Jews in his camp.

I thought Jabotinsky, Raziel, Stern, Begin and Shamir (in their younger years) were Ravisionist Zionists?  Was not Ravisionism equivalent to Secular Jewish Nationalism which wanted to Liberate all of "Palestine" for the Jewish homeland based on Free Enterprise economy?  I though Revisionism was very anti-Socialism and therefore anti-Labor Zionism?

Marzutra, you are correct


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