General Category > Introduce Yourself

Introducing myself

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P J C:
Hello, JTF. Thank You for adding me as a member of this fantastic organization. I am a young Catholic member of JTF. I am only 13 years of age (14 on June 25). I have become fasinated with politics at age 10, due to the fact that I hang around with my Korean war veteran grandfather most of the time. I have also become fasinated with the Jewish religion, and have attended many Jewish ceremonies at temple with my Jewish friend Jason. My aunt also happens to be Jewish. I have discovered JTF through Youtube, listening to Chaim. I look to have a long relationship with this great movement. I do look to persue a political career in my future, and I am working hard at that. The one thing that I am afraid of is the rate this country is leaning left. I am afraid that I will have no chance of ever gaining an ounce of political power. But I rather not hold any power than to alter my right wing beleifs. Please look for my posts. There will be plenty.

Welcome to JTF.

Welcom aboard  O0 O0 O0


Welcome to the forum!


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