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Offline Madeline

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Is Obama backed by the Muslim Brotherhood?
« on: June 11, 2008, 11:33:03 PM »
In another post, Cyberella puts forward an article suggesting that Obama would be a perfect front man for the Muslim Brotherhood.  I responded with some background on the Muslim Brotherhood supporting that idea, which I am reposting here.  If he is not actually part of their group, he would still fit in very neatly with their ideology and stealth methodology.  The goal is 'soft' jihad, violent acts of jihad such as the 9/11 attacks arousing too much resistance.

“Civilization Jihad” and the Muslim Brotherhood

by Madeline

The last of the surviving Islamic empires, the Ottoman caliphate, began to go into decline around 300 years ago and collapsed by 1922.  This caliphate was a vast empire which had ruled for over 600 years.  When it was crushed, it was clear that expansionist Islam was soundly defeated by the West.  However, it quickly rebounded.  It was brought back to life in 1928 with the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt by the Sufi schoolteacher, Hassan al-Banna.  (Yes, Sufi, as in the Persian poets Rumi and Hafez. Although some Sufis were mystics, others have been in the forefront of jihadist activities.  It appears that no Muslim sect is entirely cut off from that core obligation of Islam.)  Al-Banna’s credo:
We want the flag of Islam to fly over these lands again, who were lucky enough to be ruled by Islam for a time….Andalusia, Sicily, the Balkans, Southern Italy and the Greek Islands are all Islamic colonies which have to return to Islam’s lap. (Flaig, 9/28/2006).
Please remember the phrase, ‘Islamic colony.’  You will soon see how Muslims are applying it to us. 
Working under the Islamic doctrine of kitman or concealment in order to “Islamize” the country, the Muslim Brotherhood called for sharia law to be established in Egypt to start with, and then everywhere else.  When the Egyptian authorities found out about it, they banned it.  The Muslim Brotherhood became the largest political opposition organization in many Arab nations, always pushing for a ‘pure’ and expansionist kind of Islam, and setting itself in opposition to established Arab governments, which were open to diplomatic relationships with the West, and somewhat open to democracy.   Although its philosophy of Salafism went on to take many different forms, at bottom it was a return to a basic jihadist Islam.  Some of the branches preached violence, following the influence of Sayyid Qutb, while other branches advocated – at least publicly - a non-violent spread of world-wide Islam; but they all agreed on the most important thing:  Islam must cover the globe.     

The Muslim Brotherhood has played a leading role in spreading Islamic expansionism.  Osama bin Laden's close associate, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was a member.  The Hamas terrorist movement in Palestine is one of its offshoots.  Another top Muslim Brotherhood leader, Abdulrahman Alamoudi, is serving a 23 year sentence for taking part in a plot to kill King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia [1].   In October 1981, a Muslim Brotherhood offshoot group assassinated Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.  In the last decade alone, Muslim Brotherhood branches including Gama'a al-Islamiya and the Abdullah Azzam Brigades repeatedly attacked Western tourists, killing hundreds and wounding many more.

Can there be any doubt that the Muslim Brotherhood is a dangerous movement? In Saudi Arabia, this movement took root as Wahhabism, named for the sixteenth century preacher, Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab.  Fueled by the failures of pan-Arab nationalism and by the success of the rival Shiites in Iran who managed to humiliate the U.S. in 1979, the Sunni Saudis launched a huge campaign to spread their kind of Islam in the world.  The prestige of the Islamic Revolution in Iran is an insult to them, something they need to outdo.  The Saudis see themselves as the rightful leaders of the Islamic world since they are the guardians of its two holiest places, Mecca and Medina.  Adding to their humiliation was the fact that the Muslims of Iran were Shiites, which the Sunnis considered to be heretics, just one step above infidels.  So we have jihadis of different stripes egging each other on, competing to see who is the ‘holiest’ – that is, who is the most outrageous and effective in bringing down the infidel West. 

To restore their standing among fellow Muslims, and also to deal with internal problems, the Saudis launched a massive program of proselytism throughout the world.  Using the billions of dollars the West pumped into Arabia for oil, the Saudis built madrassas and mosques almost everywhere, “Wahhabitizing” the world.  Their influence can be viewed in the film, Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West, (  It shows Middle Eastern TV newsreels of Arabic and Farsi speakers screaming for the death of Westerners, as well as training children as young as three years old to imagine with great vividness that they are killing us.  The Saudis also launched numerous deadly attacks on the U.S. previous to 9/11, which did not provoke a strong response from us then, and still do not.  Starting as far back as March, 1977, jihadists have been murdering us on our own soil.  Only blocks from the White House, 12 terrorists seized 134 hostages, of which one was killed and 12 were wounded.  They occupied three building, one of which was the city hall of Washington, D.C.  For details on this and 23 other insufficiently publicized subsequent attacks on us in the last 30 years, you can go to the web site,
Recently, Islamic rhetoric has included using flexibility and non-confrontational approaches in order to achieve the caliphate [2].  While it is the goal of every true Islamist to take over America and “save” it from its impurities, not every strategy is as violent as Osama bin Laden’s, which some Muslims believe has backfired by causing a stiffening of national pride rather than an easy surrender. 

The “Project” – Soft Jihad: 
The other strategy is to take a softer, more gradual approach to an inevitable take-over using flexibility, deception and stealth.  This strategy would increase the Muslim population by immigration, reproduction, infiltration and conversion [3] until it reached a tipping point and could vote sharia law into power, overturning the Constitution.  The Muslim Brotherhood came up with what it calls a “Master Plan” in 1982 for a 100 year assault on Western civilizations, ending in Muslim rule.  Two documents were found attesting to this.  The first was found in a raid of the home of Muslim Brotherhood  financier Yousef Nada by Swiss authorities in November 2001, and is referred to by intelligence officials as “The Project.”  It was written by Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Youself Qaradawi and is titled “Towards a Worldwide Strategy for Islamic Policy.” This fourteen page document written in Arabic and dated December 1, 1982 coolly lays out a twelve point strategy covering the next one hundred years to “establish an Islamic government on earth.”  The Project details ways to incite Muslim fervor, as was in fact done with the Danish cartoon riots and the month long riots in France, in order to create more soldiers for its civilian army.  It calls for establishing shadow societies in all the lands that Muslims immigrate to, with a full exploitation of democratic institutions, leading eventually to Muslim ruled Parliaments and the replacement of the American Constitution with the sharia.  Out-breeding the native populations, winning converts by misrepresenting itself as friendly and compatible with democracy, establishing footholds in all the professions and making themselves appear both safe and indispensable – all these are part of the plan.  The Project advocates secrecy and maintaining an appearance of moderation by avoiding obvious connections with known terrorist groups.  The first document was found just two months after the horror of 9/11, yet has not made any kind of a dent in the main stream media.  It took an online conservative news magazine,, to bring it to the world’s attention [4] in May 2006, but it has not been commented on widely.

The second document revealing The Project was recovered in America.  It is an eighteen page paper signed by Mohamed Akram, dated May 22, 1991, and bears the title, "An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group."  The idea is to create a parallel Muslim society as a foundation for the ultimate objective:  establishing sharia and overturning the Constitution. After detachedly scrutinizing the American predilection for doing things in organizations, the plan emphasizes establishing many different kinds of Muslim organizations in order to give Islam more of a foothold in this country.  While America sleeps, chiding itself for its supposed injustices towards Muslim minorities, these same minorities are callously working to undermine their hosts and take possession of their nation. [5].  Here is a quote from the American Project.

"The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a "Civilization-Jihadist" process with all the word means. The Ikhwan [the Muslim Brotherhood’s word for its members] must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" their miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim's destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who choose to slack [5]." 

What Americans are faced with now is an invasion and infiltration of our institutions, coming as a Trojan horse.  Jihadists are preparing to use our own hands to destroy our civilization, which they mock as ‘miserable,’ and to replace it with what they call their superior one - a culture that has pilfered its religion, destroyed all other religions it has come in contact with, and that despises democracy because it interferes with surrender to Allah. 

Was this second document a weird paranoid fantasy?  No, unfortunately not. The Project passed sufficient legal scrutiny to be entered into evidence in a federal trial and the defendants did not present challenges in court to its authenticity or veracity.   Last July the government brought a forty-two count indictment against an Islamic charity of self-styled moderates, the Texas-based Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development.  They are charged by the Treasury Department with funneling $12.4 million to a designated terrorist group, Hamas, so that Hamas could encourage children to become suicide bombers.  The FBI charged them with conspiring to infiltrate the U.S. political system, attempting to change Middle East policy, and to gradually Islamize America.  A great many other seemingly moderate Muslim groups have been named as unindicted co-conspirators at this trial, proving the effectiveness of the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategy.


1.   Breinholt, J., The Muslim Brotherhood for Beginners.;{A17A9844-F9E2-4A70-8E10-EDFDAFB63800}, 7/6/07.
2.   Mintz, J. and D. Farah, In Search Of Friends Among The Foes: U.S. Hopes to Work With Diverse Group., 9/11/2004.
3.   Pipes, D., Militant Islam Reaches America. 2002, New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
4.   Poole, P., The Muslim Brotherhood "Project".;{67736123-6864-4205-B51E-BCBDEF45FCDE}, 5/11/2006.
5.   Dreher, R., What the Muslim Brotherhood Means for the U.S. The Dallas Morning News., 9/9/2007.

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Is Obama backed by the Muslim Brotherhood?
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2008, 01:44:54 AM »
oSSama is alligned with all the muSSlim Nazi countries, G-d forbid this beast will take power.