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NEW: Ask Yesha Monday 23 June/20 Sivan
Gam Bashan veGam Gilad:
Hello Dear YESHA, :)
Thank you for answering my questions last show.
Is Britain a true ally of the United States nowadays, in your opinion? Do the British feel any "brotherhood sympathy" towards the American people, or do they feel like a complete different people with no connection whatsoever to the Americans besides the language? Do some British people bear an old grudge against the United States, or is this ancient animosity definitely over as far as the British are concerned?
Thank you as always for your time and effort in doing these great shows! :)
Gam Bashan veGam Gil'ad.
Hello Yesha,
there are many muslims in the UK where you live.
Some of them are from Porkistan and they hate the UK.
Do you ever talk to those disgusting animals?
For instance when you want to buy food or groceries...
Best wishes.
This is from KahaneWasRight-BT:
Hello Yesha. I think I remember from a previous show that you said you are looking forward to making aliyah in the next few years to live in yosh. I wanted to ask in this week's program: Are your parents supportive of your decision to make aliyah?
But I was not sure if this would be too personal or if you would feel comfortable answering that. Please let me know if it is ok to ask. Also, if you might elaborate on how that situation evolved it would be helpful. My parents are very against the idea of me being a BT and keeping mitzvot, are against me going to Israel temporarily, and would certainly be against me making aliyah, so this is a very difficult situation for me and I would like to hear how others have dealt with this type of situation if you have been through this. Thanks
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