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Pre-Marital sex. What is your take??
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on June 15, 2008, 02:51:45 AM ---
Only if I was divorced and looking to get re-married.
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Yacov, I fear that with an attitude that extreme that G-d might just withhold a wife from you.
You can ask G-d for a virgin--but if you refuse to forgive someone for something they truly and deeply regret and have changed from, why should G-d forgive you for any wrong thing you have done?
Dr. Dan:
--- Quote from: C.F. on June 14, 2008, 11:40:54 PM ---
--- Quote from: Dr. Dan on June 13, 2008, 01:33:44 PM ---Better that if they are virgins at that time they are with someone who can hold back until the marraige is consumated. And better if he is able to provide for a home for his family than be still in school living in a tiny dorm room. In modern times, it's not easy to have all that all at once.
That's the only thing I disagree wtih with CF.
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Where do you disagree with me? I never denied that it is extremely difficult for the average student to be able to provide and establish a home. It sounds like we agree.
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Somewhere in your post you entertained the fact that peopel shoudl be married younger. I personally think it's not a good idea since we live in more modern times in the sense that more people now have access to a college education and post graduate education. One shoudl not get married if he cannot afford to take care of a family. One must build a home for himself, so to speak, before he can marry.
Dr. Dan:
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on June 15, 2008, 02:33:15 AM ---By the way, I think women should also refuse to marry men who are not virgins.
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Are you trying to say that a non virgin's tishuva on Yom Kippur is moot? That if a man had sex and realizes and is sorry for doing it to Gd, a virgin should refuse marrying him?! Even if he is relitively righteous otherwise?
And she shoudl choose a virgin man who might otherwise be evil over a more righteous non virgin?
Come on now...that's not cool, Yaacov. You seem to have an alterior motive since you are a virgin and might have been less lucky in love versus non virgin men. I sense some resentment and jealousy..That's not good..that's very bad.
Dr. Dan:
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on June 15, 2008, 04:30:19 AM ---
--- Quote from: Dr. Dan on June 15, 2008, 04:25:36 AM ---
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on June 15, 2008, 02:33:15 AM ---By the way, I think women should also refuse to marry men who are not virgins.
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Are you trying to say that a non virgin's tishuva on Yom Kippur is moot? That if a man had sex and realizes and is sorry for doing it to Gd, a virgin should refuse marrying him?! Even if he is relitively righteous otherwise?
And she shoudl choose a virgin man who might otherwise be evil over a more righteous non virgin?
Come on now...that's not cool, Yaacov. You seem to have an alterior motive since you are a virgin and might have been less lucky in love versus non virgin men. I sense some resentment and jealousy..That's not good..that's very bad.
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I would have French Kissed women but I never would have had sex with any. If I was lucky in love I would have just kissed, not have sex. I would have felt the desire to have sex but I would have had to control my urges. I'm not an animal.
If a woman doesn't mind that a man had sex, then it's her problem if she wants to marry him but I don't see why she would be okay with it. I'm just having no double standard because I think women should be as picky as I am when it comes to marrying a virgin.
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You are entitled to that choice, but encouraging virgins to only marry virgins is a mistake. Just because someone might have had sex or didn't have sex doesn't mean they are a good person. Beleive me..I have known terrible evil crazy mean virgins..and some really sweet non virgins.
I think sex should be between in a man and a woman, love and a marriage. If the bride happens not to be a virgin, then she must repent and always love you, if not and if she cheats on you, then she never truly loved you in the first place.
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