PI is reporting:
EU: limited civilrightsNot alone Sebastian Edathy (SPD) has the wish to limit the constitutional rights of the citizens, like the right of free speech, in the future according to the will of the rulers. But other leftist politicans discovering now the "limits" of the civil rights. Because those limits are not known in the constitutions, they afford themselve to define them by themselves.
From Denmark reached us the following issue written by "Balder":
EU about blogs: "Possible vicious Internet-Pollution!"
The EU claims for a "Web-quality-stamp" and a press-ombudsman, who should monitor the media, and this gives the change of a general censorship.
This system is already established in Sweden with a press-ombudswhoman, who can inform the police, if she believes, that people cross the line of the political correctness. She would not hesitate to report caricatures like those in "Jyllandsposten". "This is crossing the line", she said.
I have read, that you have to register your blog at the gouvernmental broadcasting, if you want to be protected by the Swedish "freedom of speech"
At last is the cause of this to enforce the "EU- resolution against racism and xenophobia". In this resolution is the punisment for critics of Islam three years in jail!
The prime minister of Estonia, Marianne Mikko, has made a suggestion for a resolution of the European parliament against the concentration of the media and for the pluralism of the media in the European Union, (2007/2253 (INI)) in the name of the EU-board of culture and education. Actually a positive turn, but ...
Proposal to the resolution of the European Parliament:"The report suggests in this coherency the initiation of independent ombudsmen/whomen in the member-states
3. The report welcomes the efforts to fight for the creation of a charta and for the freedom of the media and the Europe-wide acceptance of those issues.
4. The report underlines the necessity to create neutral and dependable monitoring- and enforcementsystems for pluralism of the media.
The report suggests the clarification of the status, in court or in another way and encourages their "voluntary" labeling of their functional and economic persons and of their interest of their authors and publishers.
According to a new report of the board of culture to the parliament is a miniority of bloggers with vicious goals and "hidden" ideology a threat. The board claims, that a voluntary legal framework must be guaranteed in order to investigate the interests of the authors, to clarify the legal status of the authors and ro implement the ombudsman, as well as freedom of media

In her report Mrs. Mikko is telling us, that the "Bloggosphere was until now a paradise of good intents and relatively honest. But because blogs have become common, less principled persons will use them"
In response of the question, if she sees bloggers as a threat, she said, "we can't see bloggers as a threat, althrough they will be able to pollute the cyberspace noticeable. We have already too much Spam, false information and vicious intents in the cyberspace".
She added: "I think, the public is already trustfull towards blogs, which will be seen as trustfull. And they should stay trustfull further. For this we need a certification mark, a publication who is writing and why."
The German liberal Jorgo Chatzimarkakis was adviser of the economy and currency-board. He told us, "You can't see bloggers automatically as a threat, but imagine professional, pressure- or other groups, which are using blogs in order to spread their message. Blogs are effective tools and are able to be an advanced form of lobbying, which you can see as a threat." He said, that " every blogger, who stands or expresses more than his personal oppinion should be concerned by this report."
Here is a funny remark I totally agree with, from the great Blog EU-Referendum:Shake, oh Blogger. In the European Parliament is discussed, if there should be an inspection of bloggers with "vicious intents" or "hidden ideology"
Now we can relax. Our agenda is not hidden. We are full of vicious intent towards the European Union and all their myrmidons.
I ask myself, are we meant? Of course not! I am in tune with Mrs. Mikko (If it is not changing, I have to consult a doctor)!
In fact are there bloggers out there, who pollute the bloggosphere with "too much Spam, false informations and vicious intent". Let me remind our readers on the perfumy Margot (Wallström) and her lame blog. Should there be not a quality mark, a beatyfull black, that should awarded to this stream of mud?
[I think this is a Danish insider

I don't understand]
There are other commissars with blogs with texts from themselve - or perhaps from members of the European Parliament or their talented staff. It is obvious, that none of this people is able to qualify for this "quality mark" that Mrs. Mikko wants to introduce.
At last they are no bloggers, but sponsors of an official organization, who has certainly an agenda. And I would say: Yes, actually both vicious and hidden!!!
Commentary:Behind all this is the EU-intention clear enough: They want to determine what "serious" manipulated EU-agitation and critical "Cyberspace-pollution" is, this means to tell the truth about the EU dictatorship. This is what is meant by the EU with "freedom of speech".
Now, what is really the "vicious intent": The growing number of multicultural violent offenders, which is not meant by the media, or the blogs, which report about this violent offenders as well as the pump behind the growing numbers of those, that is the EU, as well as the media camouflage this criminal persons and their wirepullers?
Our foto shows Walloon policemen in action against a commemoration of September 11th in Brussels.
