We should not forget what was here the starting point.
A few PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi supporters profaned the monument in Dresden which was build in memory of 6 Million Jews.
And you have no reputation of doing the same in this thread, by mocking million who you wish death upon? You can spin this truth in your own mind all your life but in the end you know it to be true.
Beaten to death - Gassed to death - Shot to death
Men - Women - Children
Ahh yes. The same thing that you just said you would like to do to people of a different faith other than yours.
Israel is acting since it's founding in self-defence against the genocidal attempts of the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi.
Interesting. I could've sworn the Palestinians were descendents of the original inhabitants of the land, despite having several migration waves from the Arabian peninsula. Oh but what do I know, that is knowledge which comes from Anthropologists, Geneticists, and Archeologists, not rabbis or preists. Thus, it must be false.
The reaction of Dan ben Noah was totally justified.
Ahh interesting some more. So, when Jews of Israel laugh at the dead in Palestine as you here are guilty of, then they should have a justified response in this forum, shouldn't they?
We don't avocate the extermination of this vicious murderous Muzzie beasts, but they deserved it for shure.
You want the genocide of an entire people, and instead of repenting from your crimes and incoherent irrational hatred against an indigineous population, you suppress your guilt and move on with the plan to kill women and children (the point you so vividly pointed out about your own people genocided) so that the mission can be complete and a totally-Jewish Israel can thrive. And whenever someone calls you out on this obvious fallacy the response is a typical Zionist religious zealot accusation of National Socialism, Islamism, or anything else that will clear your mind from the facts.
They have only luck, that we are unable to do it, because we are no savages, like them. 
Proof? There is none.
It will be interesting though to hear your typical JTF response to this. The "you must be dem damn nazis" or "u camel-scrawling mosslim you not no any facts!11" will come soon.