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Louis Farrakhan
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Screwy Louie (the black David Duke) was born sick. Sick in the head.
farrakhan thinks jews invented aids
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Don't forget he also believes that all white people are space aliens who were invented by a mad scientist. The dude's mental even by Islamic standards. ::)
Hail Columbia:
So, this is the guy who claimed that he saw the "Mothership" during an acid trip, and was told by Elijah Mohammed in the "Mothership" that it will kill all of the "white devils" once Allah gives the signal. He also claims that the "Mothership" is larger than the Earth itself. Where are those white-uniformed people, with butterfly nets, when you need them?
I remember seeing screwy louie farafart on "Nightline" being interviewed by the self hater ted koppel. Screwy was telling ted all about the mothership and all the little babyships and koppel was conducting this interview as though he was talking to a Nobel Prize winner in physics. It was completely disgusting. Screwy louie sued that people that made "independence day" saying that this movie stole the idea of the mothership from black muslim 'theology' and he also said that some of the characters in the picture looked, now get this 'too Jewish". Screwy louie is considered a genuis amongst his fellow tribesmen and is always on that travis smiley's 'state of black america' forums every year on c-span which also features other kooks such as cornel west, jesse, al, and an assortment of other black crack pots.
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