I wanted to know who this chaim ben pseach was that everyone talks about here, i could have asked you guys but decided it was best to do it myself. I then straight away came to a website which had rather unpleasant comments about JTF:-you probably know about them already, but i was shocked...they called your chaim dude a nutter...and said you were extremists and your twisted views and historical interpretations did not agree with orthodox jewish teachings...and then some posters tell me that all muslims are extremists etc...well its rich coming from them then. I guess being open minded doesn't just mean taking in JTFS opinions as well but also other peoples...
Also i just want to say that NO MATTER how correct you believe your views or answers to be....you cannot be sure on a lot of issues..and at least try to understand other views and not reject them automatically...you cannot always be right.
here are some of the comments i found:
"Please tell me you were
hacked and you aren't really
responsible for this.
is a tiny, marginal fanatical
extremist organization whose
views on Israel, Judaism,
politics and social issues
are wildly out of line with
mainstream Orthodox Judaism,
and in fact contradict many
principles of true
Torah-observant Judaism. (I
am chasidic.) You shold be
embarrassed that such trash
appears under your name.In general I admit that I
tend to sequester myself in a
relatively liberal bubble,
unaware of any extreme right,
but as a loyal suck reader I
was blown away this morning
when I came into work and
checked out you site as usual
and found the interview with
Chaim Ben Pasach. At first, I
thought it was a joke, but as
I continued reading I decided
even you guys couldn't make
that up.
Rarely am I ashamed
to be Jewish but the words of
this fanatical nut are
positively infuriating. Given
the historical attempts to
extinguish the Jewish race I
cannot comprehend how could
any Jew, ever, could possess
such bigoted, Nazi-esque
views. How can he not see his
hypocricy? Of course such
extreme and ridiculous
opinions can't stand up under
close scrutiny (he says he
can never reconcile with a
group that kills babies and
basically espouses genocide,
yet when asked who he sides
with concerning the war in
Chechnya, he says "neither
one, I hope they both kill
each other". Come on.
And talking about media, has
he ever turned on the t.v. or
picked up a newspaper?
"Jew-hating Arab-loving
media"? Uh, where?...), and
will never get the kind of
support on a mass scale that
he is looking for. Though
maybe they said that about
Hitler too. I'm sure you will
get a flood of mail
concerning this interview,
but I couldn't resist.
I still never managed to find out who chaim was......anyone spare a few minutes to tell me? Thank you