Author Topic: I thought i was being open minded. JTF doesn't exactly have a good backing...  (Read 11994 times)

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Offline Sarah

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I wanted to know who this chaim ben pseach was that everyone talks about here, i could have asked you guys but decided it was best to do it myself. I then straight away came to a website which had rather unpleasant comments about JTF:-you probably know about them already, but i was shocked...they called your chaim dude a nutter...and said you were extremists and your twisted views and historical interpretations did not agree with orthodox jewish teachings...and then some posters tell me that all muslims are extremists etc...well its rich coming from them then. I guess being open minded doesn't just mean taking in JTFS opinions as well but also other peoples...

Also i just want to say that NO MATTER how correct you believe your views or answers to cannot be sure on a lot of issues..and at least try to understand other views and not reject them cannot always be right.

here are some of the comments i found:

"Please tell me you were
hacked and you aren't really
responsible for this. The JTF
is a tiny, marginal fanatical
extremist organization whose
views on Israel, Judaism,
politics and social issues
are wildly out of line with
mainstream Orthodox Judaism,
and in fact contradict many
principles of true
Torah-observant Judaism. (I
am chasidic.) You shold be
embarrassed that such trash
appears under your name.

In general I admit that I
tend to sequester myself in a
relatively liberal bubble,
unaware of any extreme right,
but as a loyal suck reader I
was blown away this morning
when I came into work and
checked out you site as usual
and found the interview with
Chaim Ben Pasach. At first, I
thought it was a joke, but as
I continued reading I decided
even you guys couldn't make
that up. Rarely am I ashamed
to be Jewish but the words of
this fanatical nut are
positively infuriating. Given
the historical attempts to
extinguish the Jewish race I
cannot comprehend how could
any Jew, ever, could possess
such bigoted, Nazi-esque
views. How can he not see his
hypocricy? Of course such
extreme and ridiculous
opinions can't stand up under
close scrutiny (he says he
can never reconcile with a
group that kills babies and
basically espouses genocide,
yet when asked who he sides
with concerning the war in
Chechnya, he says "neither
one, I hope they both kill
each other".
Come on.

And talking about media, has
he ever turned on the t.v. or
picked up a newspaper?
"Jew-hating Arab-loving
media"? Uh, where?...), and
will never get the kind of
support on a mass scale that
he is looking for. Though
maybe they said that about
Hitler too. I'm sure you will
get a flood of mail
concerning this interview,
but I couldn't resist.


I still never managed to find out who chaim was......anyone spare a few minutes to tell me? Thank you :D

Offline cjd

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sarah 192 posts here on the JTF forum reading all we write for months now and you have to ask about Chaim. Go to the site and listen to Chaim's shows  also listen to Davids and Chaim's show and the show with the forums questions. Why listen to ignorant people trying to discredit Chaim. Make up your own mind. 
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

A light on to the nations for 60 years

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Fake Plastic Trees, do you cross-dress as well as try to solicit homosexual sex on internet forums?  You are such a typical Englishman.   :o
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Sarah

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FOTL? what are YOU on about???????!!!!!!??!!!'re freaking me out :)

Offline mord

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That site must be be an extreme left wing Faux orthodox site.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Sarah, no one is forcing you to post on this "extremist" site. And you have said plenty of extremist things of your own, such as that Israel "murders" Arabs. Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out, hypocrite.

Offline jdl4ever

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Sara, go on that left wing site and join them.  Those self hating Jews will welcome your comments on how jews are murderers and Israel should give its land to the arabs. In fact, they'll expose their chests to you and give you a knife.   :D :D  Chaim is Victor Vancier by the way. 
« Last Edit: January 20, 2007, 08:05:06 PM by jdl4ever »
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
"I believe very much in a nation beating their swords into plowshears but when my enemy has a sword I don't want a plowshear"
-Rabbi Meir Kahane Zs'l HYD

Offline Sarah

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Sarah, no one is forcing you to post on this "extremist" site. And you have said plenty of extremist things of your own, such as that Israel "murders" Arabs. Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out, hypocrite.

Heyy Heyyy chill out dude...i wasn't meaning to complain about JTF i was just a bit surprised that it was extremist...compared to a lot of jewish views. I thought it represented many opinions of Jews in general. I say extreme things as well but to me they don't seem so extreme. They are only EXTREME in your opinion because you believe in concepts and views that are completely different, we disagree because we ARE different.
Jerrold Nadler's Impending Heart Attack:
"This post is hysterically funny on many different levels"
why is that so?  :-\  :)
"Sara, go on that left wing site and join them.  Those self hating Jews will welcome your comments on how jews are murderers and Israel should give its land to the arabs. In fact, they'll expose their chests to you and give you a knife.      Chaim is Victor Vancier by the way. "by JLF4EVER

Yeah they didn't seem very jewish.....i guess if you're jewish then you should definitly act it and stand up firmly for what you believe in....whats the point otherwise? They were very umm dense, just trying to fill in the white spaces with repeated sentences on how nice they were and how jews love everyone.
Massuhdgoodname explained who he was....he seems to really be taking action for you jews. I wish him good luck for his goals....i can hear this little voice in my head saying..."what the hell are you doing sarah, these people are your enemies.....", i was born to hate you....but the hate has worn off, it only rises when i see childrens blood being spilt in Iraq and Palestine...-just referring to the term...not the people-...and even then, its the american forces and the muslim militias killing each other...but still the first thought that comes to mind is Israel. I cannot even prevent it.....and do you know what my friend said the other day?!:"Oh guess what sarah, my little brother found a games website where you get to kill all the jews! Hehehe i love it....i always win and kill the most,"......i had to stop myself swearing at her, they call me a jew lover in history I just look at them and think...stupid, ignorant arabs.
o.k i think i'm straying....

No Yacov i haven't ever listened to Chaim.....does he come on these jtf broadcasts you talk about? Does he post on this forum...or on the hebrew one?

-sorry for all the questions-

Thank you... :)

« Last Edit: January 21, 2007, 03:07:33 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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but the hate has worn off, it only rises when i see childrens blood being spilt in Iraq and Palestine
Oh yeah, the epitome of reason and moderation.  ::)

i had to stop myself swearing at her, they call me a jew lover in history I just look at them and think...stupid, ignorant arabs.
o.k i think i'm straying....
Nice try, trollette.

Offline fjack

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Sarah, I for one do not care what any of your 'friends' think of me. If they hate me it means that I am getting under their snake skin. All the killing in iraq is 99 percent sand negro on sand negro . American politicians have tied our troops hands, it is rare for an American soldier to kill a muzzie. I don't know if you go to a public school, you certainly write as though you go to one, but if your parents are paying for a private education, they should be given a refund. Your writing skills need a lot of work. Try to think out what you want to say and make a draft. Your thoughts are not concise and you keep wandering around, sometimes I have no idea what you are trying to say and for the sake of all humanity, don't have any children.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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American politicians have tied our troops hands, it is rare for an American soldier to kill a muzzie.
You can say that again. The Bush thinks us being so freely cavalier about sending boys and girls to die shows what a progressive and compassionate nation we are.

I don't know if you go to a public school, you certainly write as though you go to one, but if your parents are paying for a private education, they should be given a refund.
LOL! :D ;D

Your writing skills need a lot of work. Try to think out what you want to say and make a draft. Your thoughts are not concise and you keep wandering around, sometimes I have no idea what you are trying to say
That's putting it mildly.

and for the sake of all humanity, don't have any children.
Of course you know that as an obedient, submissive(, clitoris-less) daughter of the Pedophile Prophet, she'll probably have a dozen, if not two.  :P

My question to the mods: why is this asinine tart not banned?

Offline Sarah

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     That hurt. Saying nothing would have been more worthwhile then wasting your time, once again, to remind me what an evil, ignorant and stupid daughter of the Pedophile Prophet i am. You seem to enjoy it very much, it sickens me.
    "I don't know if you go to a public school, you certainly write as though you go to one, but if your parents are paying for a private education, they should be given a refund" -comment made by f'injack.

They don't need a refund. I achieve the highest grades in my year, I just sat my history mocks a year early and managed to get an A*. Achieved 97% in both physics and geography the other day and have predicted GCSE results of A* for every single subject. SO DON’T YOU DARE INSULT ME, WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE A CLUE.  My parents work hard for my education and I want to make the most of it, its all I’ve got……

Fjack, life’s too short to spend time writing drafts, especially when I try my best to minimise the website every time someone walks by. I post whatever comes to mind while typing and if it isn’t concise and interesting enough for you, then don’t bother reading it…….then it’ll be even since I’m not intending to read any of your foul rubbish along with chaimfan, who can stuff his butterfly collection up his ass along with his nauseating humour.

I’ll raise my children into well mannered, respectful people, who -G-d willing- will put yours to shame –especially chaimfan -.

You really offended me….and right now I cannot even begin to express how much I hate you, fjack and chaimfan.

p.s. Yacov I posted a question to Chaim on the thread ask jtf- about how global warming is an anti-Semitic lie…..that’s a very interesting issue actually.

I'm not a tart either nor an ass. Why do you make comments when you have nothing to base them on ............i dress modest and smart....and no -before you even comment- i don't wear a burka or an abaya.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2007, 04:11:22 PM by sarah.... »

Offline fjack

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Dear sarah, the last post you wrote certainly reaffirms my observations, you are a public school student. You are a complete moron, you will lead a life that the white brittons will have to support, have a slew of islamic sub human bipeds, white brittons will support your 'parents' on welfare, you will grow bitter and question your intellect and your being in a white civilization when you could be in a hut in your home slum. Would not it be nice to be in an islamic hell hole, where you can walk around in ignorance, unsanitary conditions and a diet of dates and bread mixed with sand. This is your culture, you will never amout to anything in a western civilization except to be a constant complainer. If you think that you insulting me, you are terribly mistaken. If you parents, if you know who they are, are so smart let them join the forum. I would love to see how stupid they are. Why not post your family's picture, I often wondered if you muzzies really can produce offspring with camels. A picture is worth a thousands words. By the way, I just purchased toilet paper with the picture of the child molester prophet on it and I thought of you.

Offline azrom

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"Negroes are a form of animal and it is against the will of God and nature to mate with such creatures. It is specifically forbidden in the Holy Bible. The Negro is still in the ape stage, actually a higher form of gorilla. They are retarded, 200,000 years behind the white race. They suffer from sickle-cell trait, a hereditary racial characteristic of negroes, and is found in no other race - Negroes have diseased blood". - Prof. Charles Carroll

Offline Sarah

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My parents both have intellectually demanding professions and they are certainly not STUPID, it is up to them to join but i will mention it.....and boy will you be choking on your words. FJACK.

Pictures are for those who are too stupid and ignorant to understand words. My family does not recieve benefits, never has done and never will be put to such shame. It is amusing seeing how i have triggered an even more insulting response from you.....which implies to me that i did insult you...

haha i'm enjoying the dates .....better then the ones where you come from.. :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X c.r.t.h.j

Offline fjack

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What intelectuarla professions do your 'parents' hold? Do they clean pig pens, public toilets, walk dogs, clean kitty litter, clean up the streets after muslims relieve themselves after services, drive cabs, try and use a remote control on a VCR, work at the drive in at McDonalds, clean gym clothes at the local laundry or try an figure out how in the world to properly use a bar of soup. If they had any brains they would sell you to the nearest camel herder where they could collect a nice dowry for you, such as a pence or a years subscription to 'the final call'. Don't you realize that such brainpower such as yours could do wonders in the sand pits of saudi arabia, iran, and maybe (if we are lucky) dufar. You can babysit half human half camel fellow brethern and read the koran will sitting on a hole in the ground pooping during a sand storm. YOU DO NOT BELONG IN WESTERN CIVILIZATION, LEAVE NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.

Offline Ari

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Chaim is one of the few Jews who stands up for true Torah Judaism, a strict and honest interpretation of the Bible.  He also stands up for Jews against Blacks and other minorities, pointing out how ungrateful they have been for Jewish help over the years.  He does not preach hatred.  He preaches the truth, facts too many liberal and wimpy Jews are afraid to confront.  He should be commended and supported, not criticized blindly by those with miniscule minds. 

Offline habiru

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Sarah, you need to make up your mind. If you are not willing to renounce Islam (as you previously claimed you did), then there is no place for you on the forum.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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My parents both have intellectually demanding professions
Thanks to the wacky, wonderful world of British affirmative action.  ::)

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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That hurt.
Save your crocodile tears for someone who gives a rat's ass.

what an evil, ignorant and stupid daughter of the Pedophile Prophet i am
Say something we didn't already know!  ;D

You seem to enjoy it very much, it sickens me.
To use the typical language of braindead adolescent girls such as yourself, what-ever.  ::)

I achieve the highest grades in my year, I just sat my history mocks a year early and managed to get an A*. Achieved 97% in both physics and geography the other day and have predicted GCSE results of A* for every single subject. SO DON’T YOU DARE INSULT ME, WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE A CLUE.  My parents work hard for my education and I want to make the most of it, its all I’ve got
Hon, do you really want me to count off the number of sentence fragments in that paragraph? Your grammatical skills make Harlem ebonics look downright Shakespearean.

Fjack, life’s too short to spend time writing drafts, especially when I try my best to minimise the website every time someone walks by.
Huh?  ??? You really need to work on being more coherent.

I post whatever comes to mind while typing and if it isn’t concise and interesting enough for you, then don’t bother reading it
Umm, the rantings of little Islamic harlots seldom qualifies as interesting in the eyes of civilized people.

then it’ll be even since I’m not intending to read any of your foul rubbish along with chaimfan, who can stuff his butterfly collection up his ass along with his nauseating humour.
Oooh! Sarah the slut just insulted me!!! I am SOOOO hurt!  :( :-[ Whatever shall I do?  ::)

I’ll raise my children into well mannered, respectful people, who -G-d willing- will put yours to shame –especially chaimfan -
I'm sure they will. My children won't be blowing themselves up in nursing homes and kindergartens because they think they'll get to screw little boys in the butt in the afterlife as reward from Allah. So yeah, by those standards, I'm sure your spawn will outperform mine.  :P

You really offended me….and right now I cannot even begin to express how much I hate you, fjack and chaimfan.
Talk to the hand. I refer you to my opening response to you.  ;)

p.s. Yacov I posted a question to Chaim on the thread ask jtf- about how global warming is an anti-Semitic lie…..that’s a very interesting issue actually.
Your entire existence is an anti-Semitic lie, slutcake. You have never once taken back the libels against Israel you repeat in every other post.

I'm not a tart either nor an ass.
Prove it. Renounce your pederastic faith in front of your parents and all your friends. Then we will talk.

Why do you make comments when you have nothing to base them on
Umm, I wouldn't talk about that if I were you.

i dress modest and smart
I don't even want to imagine what that means, hon.

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Thanks to the wacky, wonderful world of British affirmative action.  ::)

Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Dear sarah, the last post you wrote certainly reaffirms my observations, you are a public school student. You are a complete moron, you will lead a life that the white brittons will have to support, have a slew of islamic sub human bipeds, white brittons will support your 'parents' on welfare, you will grow bitter and question your intellect and your being in a white civilization when you could be in a hut in your home slum. Would not it be nice to be in an islamic hell hole, where you can walk around in ignorance, unsanitary conditions and a diet of dates and bread mixed with sand. This is your culture, you will never amout to anything in a western civilization except to be a constant complainer. If you think that you insulting me, you are terribly mistaken. If you parents, if you know who they are, are so smart let them join the forum. I would love to see how stupid they are. Why not post your family's picture, I often wondered if you muzzies really can produce offspring with camels. A picture is worth a thousands words. By the way, I just purchased toilet paper with the picture of the child molester prophet on it and I thought of you.

fjack is a self-hating negro who thinks he has to play the Nazi game just because he has a white wife.

I bet he still says to her each evening in bed, just before he gets ready to top her with his abnormally small pecker, 'I'm not a negro tonight.'
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline fjack

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Dear fruit of the loon, you are confusing me with your father. I am white and I am proud. You, on the other hand, are nothing but a mentally ill person who needs help. I can see it in your posts that you are crying out for help. There are people that can help you, modern medicine has perfected drugs that can target your obseeisons. I am sure that welfare will cover your medical costs. I do realize that you are not well enough to hold down a job so I don't blame you for sponging off the taxpayer. For your own good, please seek out a mental health professional who can help you return to the world of normal people. It would be a wonderful thing to see you grow up and return to mental stability.

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Thank you, I am very comforted.

I'm glad to know that the constant inter-racial references in the media, as well as the things I've seen on campuses and nightclubs, are only my obsession and aren't anyone else's.

Yes, maybe I should become like every other white guy and have some kind of blind 'pride' in myself despite the fact that many white women behind our backs hate us and prefer black men.

Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Sarah

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I take back everything i said to chaimfan and fjack and apologise for my gramatically incorrect sentences. ;)

Actually fjack, my mum is a solicitor who owns her own law firm in the centre of London and is the leading practioner, quite rare for a woman, well for the time being. My dad however - and i'm not going to lie- doesn't do anything, he is hardly ever home and seems to have lost his marbles. God knows.

FOTL thanks for correcting my grammer and sentence structure, fjack and chaimfan noted that i wasn't concise and coherent. You beautifully managed to sum up what i was intending to say to fjack. As for Chaimfan, nobody says what-ever anymore or talk to the hand, only saddo lonely men......who enjoy keeping dead butterflies.
o.k i take that back......after you read it. ;)

Lmao i can imagine FOTL sitting at his computer and being very entertained. Despite everyones beliefs that he is a desperate man, with a rather irritating obsession, he may very well be an ordinary dude who gets a kick out of people calling him crazy- you never know these days.

Fjack, you see very keen to tell everyone that they receive welfare, hiding any guilty secrets?

and Chaimfan i already tried to renounce my faith, and the reaction from my parents.....was too shocking to explain. They've blown it over....and after not taking me seriously....i'm not going to try for a while. Anyhow its my intentions that count.