Tina Greco has more chins than China town.
She is indeed a rotund, quivering mass of gelatinous waste.

Scriabin.. Shoot- I just challenge HER to an arm wrestle- Ask David ben Moshe- I can bench press more than ANY woman at his gym, and even more than a lot of men, AND, I can FLAT OUT- beat ANY woman in an arm-wrestle. JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE FAT- means NOTHING. If I ever meet her- ever- in this life, I will beat her in an arm-wrestle, and will ask all of the good High Ranking Military Officers that I know, to put their stakes on ME, I CANNOT BE BEAT by ANY female. I have not yet. If I didnt grow up in such a STRICT home, I would have DEF. been the Strongest Woman in America, and I am 100% TOTALLY POSITIVE about this.

BRING IT ONNNNNNN LOL I cant WAIT TO KICK YOUR BUTT in an Arm Wrestle...Then GRECO You will RUN like the CUR you are lol- Most people I know that have arm-wrestled me, have a healthy new respect after I beat them. I LOVE IT when I beat a guy- ESPECIALLY liberal weenie men- lol-- I walk away ALWAYS looking very beautiful, and its really pretty funny. I am a very attractive gal, must be hard for these liberal men that I have beaten, when I walk away- b/c I am pretty much always dressed very fancy.