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Hi from California! (how I found this site)
I am 29 yrs old Jew from Bay Area.
I have not practised Judaism since I was maybe 5 yrs old (we stopped celebrating Hannukah and just celebrated Christmas with a tree)
My parents are totally unreligious and I had little interest in studying the Torah.
Life has been so-so. I have never really declared who I am (no bar-mitzvah), and even though I live in America, I still had lots of fear about being Jewish. I almost felt the need to hide it.
It was pretty pathetic, but I'm not very ashamed (world history considered)
A few weeks ago I found a Kaballah site and started reading about it and it was the best stuff I've probably ever read (self-improvement-wise).
Since that time I have spent many hours per day reading about the formation of Israel in the 20th century on wikipedia (which by the way is an awesome story, better and more riveting than anything I've read maybe ever). I like how on the wikipedia site you can follow all the links and read about all the major players and events.
Anyways, after reading it, and comparing it to events from prophecy, I quickly came to the conclusion that the holy books are right and that only a blind person could not see that everything is happening as predicted.
I hope to be a part of it in a positive and exciting way!!
Not sure exactly how I got to JTF from this but I have been devouring this information for the past week.
I have got to say Chaim is awesome. One of the boldest, funniest guys I have ever had the pleasure to listen to. I am happy to hear someone call out these anti-semite pigs.
The only topic I don't agree with 100% is black people because I have met some likable black people.
However I completely agree that the worshipping of black athletes and deification of black leaders is utter nonsense and I don't object 1 bit to smashing of this fact, I must say thoroughly enjoy it...(even though it seems like a bit of a guilty pleasure).
I like to hear someone speak who isn't afraid of all these insane lefties in America and who will take on Political Correctness without flinching.
At one point in my life, it seemed my own personal right to live, breath and exist as a strong Jew was un-PC!!
I can completely relate to the frustration of having to be both PC AND Jewish...and listening to Chaim is cathartic.
Please keep it up!
I also completely agree about the commies/bolsheviks and how stupid and corrupt they are.
I am also sick of these anti-semite lefties looking for any reason to protest Israel even though they have no knowledge and all of their thinking is so obviously and blatantly skewed towards their personal predilection for anti-semitism.
I live in Berkeley and see all the bumperstickers and protest signs from arrogant white middle class anti-semite lefties protesting events in the imaginary state of P.
The whole thing IS ridiculous beyond belief.
I hope someone as strong as Chaim influences the state of the world. The words are a much needed inspiration.
I think a major shift in mindset is in order for many Jewish people in general. Instead of wimpering and feeling the need to constantly justify our very existence we need to do a 180 degree turn and take the complete opposite approach...instead of bargaining and compromising with unreconcilable enemies who have proven time and time again that it won't work, we need to aim for big things...for greatness and fulfilling ALL of our potential without ANY compromise or apology.
F*** the UN!
Rock solid.
Instead of considering giving up land, we should be planning on how to expand.
So far the JTF is by far and away the only place I have seen that has the mindset capable of achieving this target.
I am thinking at some point I may want to go to Israel to visit or maybe even live there.
I love is trully the greatest nation on earth.
But I don't really feel like I can reach my potential here, being Jewish.
It makes sense what Chaim says about Jews shouldn't be in politics anywhere but Israel (this written in the Torah?).
Not that I really want to be a politician or anything...but maybe I can use my potential to its fullest in Israel.
Thanks for having this forum and broadcasts...I hope I have finally found a place where most of my views are accepted.
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Great to have you on, MackaB! Yeah, California is a pretty loony place (that is where I am from too), but we're not all leftist monsters!
Hail Columbia:
Welcome to the board.
The idea of Jews not being in politics outside of Israel isnt said in the Torah in so many words what is said is that Eretz Yisrael belongs to the Jewish people and the rest of the world belongs to the Goyim(Gentiles).
Your actually from Berkeley and you still ended up sane, that is wonderful. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe there are three functioning and active Marxist parties in Berkeley? One of my Rabbanim went to Berkeley for College and he described it as a collection of the smartest idiots in the world ;D.
Berkeley has all sorts of groups:
feminists (the feminists movement at Cal Berkeley are where all that started) some of them are total whackos.
Actually, there are tons of lovely women in Berkeley but the only 2 I have met who seemed wierd were Cal Berkeley feminists.
As for the other groups, I am not sure. Berkeley has calmed down from what it once was but there is a whole arrogant intellectual vibe emanating from the University.
University of California schools (at least the ones I've seen), while very good in some respects, have a very warped intellectual vibe from them. It is almost 'marxist'...DEFINITLY not pro-Jewish or pro-Israel.
To me, the universities are like swathy haze of G-dless intellectualism that I have little interest in being a part of.
You can definitely feel the influences of marxism and other stupid human-made ideologies it in the ranks of the teachers if you are even the slightest bit discerning.
Actually, I left a UC school partly because of was tangible, I could feel it's corrosive effects and I definitely didn't fit into the 'program' (that and the anti-semite termites who are too annoying to tolerate).
It's like they are very smart in all the sciences but dumb as a bag bricks on religion (full of anti-semite termites and blind, apologist, self hating Jews like I once was).
I guess some of it is good because the area produces some of the smartest scientists in the world who can protect/enhance America...but I get the feeling that there are completely immoral scientists given free reign.
Also, I have heard (though not 100% sure) that the sleaze-bag, corrupt and filthy pharmaceutical industry has pretty much bought out the sciences at Cal, so if it is their money being used, it only follows that the sciences there are at least very warped.
I think it is accurate when you say that some of the smartest idiots in the world are probably found here.
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