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Returning to Hebrew

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--- Quote from: Chaimfan on January 21, 2007, 01:40:11 AM ---Guys, this thread is really distressing. Why are right-wing Jews insulting each other because of what language they speak? This is really sad and pathetic, and has to stop. Kahanists must be a unified force, or we will not survive.

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   I have no qualms against any kahanist jews on this forum. I respect all of them, including jdl4ever who are here to save Israel and the United States. I do, however, disagree over this secondary issue. From my understanding, it is ok and encouraged to disagree on this forum as long as the rules are followed.
   Jews returning to the torah and Israel is probably the most important political position that JTF stands for. Since the torah was given to us in Hebrew and Hebrew is the language of Eretz Yisrael, speaking correct Hebrew is an important part of fulfilling these mitzvot.
    From my observation, staying a unified force has not been a JTF priority over standing up for values. If it was, Chaim would be unified with Bnai Elim and would not have such harsh words against Jay Rubin and Earl Krugal.

I agree with you that all Jews should speak fluent Hebrew and all lessons at Yeshivot should be in hebrew only. Chaim said the same thing by the way. I just disagreed when you starting slandering our richeous forefathers. 

Fruit of thy loins:
I am learning Hebrew.  It is a gorgeous language.


--- Quote from: jdl4ever on January 21, 2007, 12:56:21 PM ---I just disagreed when you starting slandering our richeous forefathers. 

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   Slander is demeaning which is false. For the most part I hope I have spoken the truth. If anything I said was false, either by my obtaining it from an untrue source or trying to exagerate my point(saying Yiddish Nazi is similar to saying PLO Terrorist Nazi) than I apologize and retract what I've said. Like all humans, our forefathers were not perfect and I feel I did the right thing in pointing out their sins. I ask my fellow Jews in helping me overcome my sins.
   While I may not have been respectful to them, the torah was written in perfect Hebrew and we need to return to perfect Hebrew to return to the torah.
   As far as the Hebrew of modern day, it may also have flaws. The one that is obvious to me is that the alphabet is no longer perfectly phonetic. I believe it was in Gan Edan and during the times of Noah(after the flood at least) and the times of the temple. I don't know enough to comment about the grammer but that also is perfect in the true torah. What we have now, however, is much closer to the torah than its German Dialect and holds its merit as the language of Eretz Yisrael. When the temple is rebuilt, we will have perfect Hebrew again.

Yes, our forefathers were not perfect, but they were not evil nazis like you said before.  They were very rightous people whose "sins" were very minor in comparison to what they achieved and would not even be considered sins if people like us would do them.  People like you and me would never achive the same level of self sacrifice and holyness that they achieved.  Therefore, be careful when referring to richeous people.  Any attempt at calling my ancestors evil like you did last time, will resort to me attacking you and losing my temper. 

You wish you had half of what your ancestors had.  Like I said before, my grandfather (who is dying of cancer right now sadly) is 95 years old.  He fled from the nazis to Russia as his train was being bombed.  Nearly all of his family was killed.  He was lucky not to be killed with his friends when stalin ysv started executing everyone who had a position in the Russian synagagues and he was a choir leader.  Then he served in the Russian army in world war two and was almost killed during that time.  Then he raised a family and secretly kept religious which was very dangerous.  He hired a underground Rabbi to teach his son Torah.  They would have secret meetings at someone's house on Rosh Hashanah to pray.  Then after many years he finally came to the US and taught his Chazanut traditions to many famous people (his father was a very famous chazon and my grandfather was a musical genious who continued the teachings).  People like him spoke the perfect hebrew you describe since he learned it before Israel was even founded. 

I know another elderly man who survived a concentration camp and then served in the Irgun.  He then fought for Israel in 1948 and lived through all of this.  These are the people you make fun of? 


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