Author Topic: To Meir Cohen  (Read 849 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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To Meir Cohen
« on: June 23, 2008, 03:03:06 PM »

Are you by any chance working on a long expositional post about the dog pound and the penguin who runs it, the way you did so brilliantly about the decaying humpback? Chaim was right in this week's Ask JTF: Nazi trolls come and go, but self-hating Jewish anti-Semitic Amalekites are a constant threat to our survival and are much worse.

Tina Greco would not have been able to do what she did to us without the enthusiastic encouragement and assistance of the dog trainer and his five or six lackeys (Mike Krause, Rivera, Meir, Doom, etc.). Actually, he has been doing almost the exact same thing she did for many, many years--spreading the most vile, Nazi-like calumnies against us imaginable on his forum and encouraging his worshippers to do the same.

Yekutiel has to be stopped. He is a much bigger threat to our movement and to righteous people in general everywhere than even the meanest, baddest Whorefront Nazi. Guzofsky is much more dangerous than Gentile Nazis because he is a Jewish Nazi. He absolutely is; he teaches that Gentiles are less than fully human (untermensch) and his forum is filled with the vilest curses imaginable against people like myself, particularly Christians. (Yet this hypocrite warmly embraces the wetback Aztlanist Nazi Rivera, because he hates Christianity and JTF.)

Meir, please make a thread detailing at least the following issues:

1--Yekutiel's lengthy history of attacking us at "Kahane".org

2--His financial improprieties--hundreds of thousands of dollars completely unaccounted for

3--The rumors that have been brought up regarding his personal life, esp. regarding his first marriage--no, I do not know that this is fact, and do not suggest that you present them as fact, but the fact that they are persistently mentioned is reason to describe them, as a matter of free speech, in the course of explaining his life history

4--His inability to ever work at, or hold down, an actual job in 26 years of living in Israel--he still lives off of the money he swindled from HaRav's mailing list and his own five or so followers

5--His offensive racial/Jewish supremacist views, which mirror those of Adolf Hitler (ys"vz)

6--His support for spamming our forum with porn

7--His enthusiastic embrace of StørmFrønt

Thank you. If I can help in any way, please say so here or PM me.