General Category > Introduce Yourself
Hello My Brothers and Sisters
I just joined JTF yesterday. It seems to be a bunch of people who think like me and share the same worries and concerns I have in the current political climate.
I hope that we triumph against the evil which seems to be rising. I have faith that we will survive and see the redemption!
I am a baal teshuva, who returned in 2003 after almost 20 years off the derech. I have moved more toward Orthodox observance and find great solace and peace in doing Hashems will. I now wear Kippah and Tzittzits daily, have grown my peyos, and daven regularly and often don tefillin. I started a new blog and now have found this site.
Welcome to JTF!
Welcome O0 O0
Welcome Aboard :) O0 :) O0
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