Author Topic: More of Obama's plan to shift America's wealth  (Read 863 times)

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Offline SavetheWest

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More of Obama's plan to shift America's wealth
« on: June 24, 2008, 03:23:00 AM »
Who doesn't want equal pay for women?  The thing is that women often take less dangerous jobs, take time off for childcare and many are homemakers.  Obama wants to even the playing field with an equal pay law that would kill ecnomic progress in this country.  This idiot Obama doesn't understand that we live in a global economy where companies can choose to sell to who they want and relocate where they want.  Technology has given them flexibility and they have the power to choose places to manufacture, sell and be based out of.  If there are too many of these cumbersome laws, these companies will leave.  Expanding the family leave act will only benefit stupid and lazy people.  How many people take of 12 weeks of paid leave that you work with?  Only the laziest peices of garbadge and very very few righteous exceptions use this law to its fullest extent. Most coworkers take a week or two when they have a baby but need to get back to work.  The people who take the full time are often the people who are on the verge of being fired or affirmative action cases.  Will Obama give these people 6 months off?  Maybe more?  Obama will shut down America's white and Asian owned small businesses which may be his ultimate goal.  He wants to shift the GDP and resources of America (just like Mugabe) to his friends in universities, local, state and federal government, welfare recipients, the homeless and minorties.   He may ruin this country faster than any of us have ever realized.

Obama Reaches Out to Female Voters, Advocates Equal Pay Law

Obama spoke to about 35 women, many of them employees of the Flying Star Café, a chain of restaurants in Albuquerque. He railed against Republican rival John McCain for not supporting legislation mandating equal pay for men and women and said he was the best candidate to expand family and sick leave.

``Too many American daughters grow up facing barriers to their dreams -- barriers that their male counterparts don't have to deal with,'' Obama said today. ``We've had politicians in Washington who talk about family values, but we haven't had policies that value families.''

The Illinois senator is working to woo a group of voters that flocked to his opponent, New York Senator Hillary Clinton, during the Democratic primaries. He was introduced today by Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish, who said she was an early supporter of Clinton's and now is fighting for Obama's election.

New Mexico will be one of the western battleground states for Obama and McCain in the general election. Republican President George W. Bush won the state in 2004 by less than a percentage point over Democratic nominee John Kerry. In 2000, Democrat Al Gore won the state over Bush by less than 400 votes.

Campaigning With Clinton

Obama's campaign also announced that Clinton will join Obama on June 27 in the town of Unity, New Hampshire, to help promote his candidacy. Clinton and Obama each won 107 votes there in New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation primary in January, Obama's campaign said.

The event will mark the first time Clinton and Obama have campaigned together for the November election. Obama, 46, clinched the Democratic nomination on June 3, the last day of voting in the primary campaign.

Obama began his speech today by singling out the efforts of his mother, who raised him without Obama's father present, and his grandmother, who became a major breadwinner for the family and worked on a bomber assembly line during World War II. He then praised his wife, Michelle, who he called ``the rock of the Obama family.''

When it comes to issues for working women, Obama said ``the choice could not be clearer'' between him and McCain, 71, an Arizona senator and the presumptive Republican nominee.

McCain campaigned in California today, continuing his two- week focus on energy. He called for ``a swift conversion of American vehicles away from oil,'' and pledged to give consumers thousands of dollars in tax credits for buying vehicles that emit little or no carbon dioxide.

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: More of Obama's plan to shift America's wealth
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2008, 03:50:19 AM »
And when I mean minorities I exempt all the Indians, Polynesians, Arab Jews and Christians, righteous Hispanics and blacks, etc.  Along with whites, Asians and Jews, they will also have to pay for the ghetto, hip hop obsessed blacks and Hispanics and for the evil, Sex in the City white people to go to college and get jobs.