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NEW: Ask Yesha Monday 7 July/4 Tammuz

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Gam Bashan veGam Gilad:
Hello Dear YESHA, :)

  How did you first come to realize that you were attracted to the Zionist cause, and when? I know you haven't been raised in a very strong Zionist-principled environment (otherwise, you would probably be in Israel right now, along with your entire family..). So, what exactly caused that spark in the eyes, in your case? and in what way did your encounter with JTF reinforce it?

Also, do you have brothers and/or sisters? If you do, how do they feel about your going all the way with your ideology? Have you succeeded on bringing any of your family members (besides your father) closer to the ideas of the Kahanist movement?

Thank you as always! :)

Gam Bashan veGam Gil'ad.

Dear Yesha,

do you know something about the knife-crime-epidemic in London?

Thank you,



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