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about Sarkozy ... the new Napoleon ?
« on: July 03, 2008, 09:59:48 AM »

about Sarkozy ... the new Napoleon ?

A General Resigns

As a result of the accidental shooting of bystanders in Carcassonne on Sunday, General Bruno Cuche turned in his resignation to Nicolas Sarkozy. He was not asked to resign but felt it was his duty in view of the virulent language used by the French president towards the military. In my post on the shooting, I quoted some of Sarkozy's words, but it seems he went further, hammering away at the incompetence of his armies. This is a shortened version of an article from Secret Defense:

(...) In France the resignation of a military leader of this rank is extremely rare. It was due to the violent language used by Nicolas Sarkozy yesterday (June 30) in Carcassonne to the military who were present, including General Cuche. Pointing his finger at him, the Commander-in-Chief exclaimed: "You are amateurs! You are not professionals." A witness confirms that "he was hateful".

(...) According to our information, General Cuche decided during the night to turn in his resignation the next morning, even though he had not been asked to. A high-ranking officer confided: "He refused to accept being treated like that." "He is extremely dejected," added another general. "There was a serious error that no one denies, but that does not justify casting opprobrium on the 130,000 soldiers in the Army. His resignation is a noble gesture. He is taking responsibility for everyone, and he did not sell his stock-options in advance!" added the general.

Having reached the age of retirement, General Cuche, 60, intended to leave his duties at the end of August, to be replaced by General Irastorza. Bruno Cuche hoped to be named Gouverneur des Invalides, a post he can no longer aspire to.

Note: This means Governor of the historically prestigious military hospital Les Invalides. It is under the dome of Les Invalides that Napoleon is buried. The duties of the Governor are to be a moral authority for the National Institution, to authorize ceremonies in the soldiers' church: Saint-Louis des Invalides, to represent the head of State at ceremonies, and to watch over the 100 patients in the hospital who are nearing the end of their lives.

This resignation reflects the growing malaise between the president and the military. The White Paper on defense, that proposed cutting 54,000 posts, went down badly. An anonymous article in Le Figaro written under the pseudonym of Surcouf triggered an angry response from Elysée Palace that attempted to find the identities of the authors. The armed services have a very low regard for witch hunts. "The crisis is deep and long-lasting," said one officer.

General Cuche was said to be deeply upset by the political exploitation of his resignation, which he insists has nothing to do with the White Paper. Another article from Secret Defense quotes the general addressing the Army:

"Even if events moved a bit quickly this week (...), I do not want to leave 'like a thief', but simply discreetly, extending to you my profound gratitude for the work accomplished and my boundless encouragement (...) The idea that I have of the role of a military leader and certainly my sense of responsibility, led me to make this decision after the tragedy (...) Insofar as it is possible, I wish that all commentary and interpretations cease and that this episode be closed as rapidly as possible and with the greatest possible dignity."
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.