The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam


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This may be another 'duke rape case' or a 'tawana bhwana banana' hoax. Beware of muslims when the open their mouths and talk.

I only wish I could afford to hire the most prestigious attorneys in the U.S. to represent those three righteous gentile students!


--- Quote from: Chaimfan on January 24, 2007, 01:21:47 AM ---So far I haven't heard a peep about it. Odd. I'm sure not for long though.

Regarding the incident itself, I smell a rat. I'm wondering if either the details of this alleged attack have been extremely exaggerated or the so-called victims did something to provoke it in some way. The Islamic faith teaches its devotees to lie to and about infidels. You could count in a single Cheerio the number of occasions where I think we should take the story of a Muslim at face value.

--- End quote ---
Chaimfan I think your right. I smell the same rat. Something just don't add up with this story it normally would be played up big.


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